search German players
search german players skill low++-med.
my adress: xfire:xxxmckaixxx or icq:235111240
my adress: xfire:xxxmckaixxx or icq:235111240
35.2 %
(19 votes)
64.8 %
(35 votes)
1.) he s a retard
2.) hack detected
3.) he was inactive
4.) mAus left them after xmckaix couldn't pay him anymore
5.) he lost his arm in a car crash and have to play with one hand now
6.) others
now guess xD
so lol
no comms
no brain
no tax
but thinking they are med- xD
klar.. geistliches Alter
aber trotzdem wünsche jedem gl ausser dir du wirst eh keine finden wie war das bei deinem letzten post " hab durch diesen post 6 neue leute" wo sind die den alle hin? waren sie auch alle zu schlecht ne. verstehe schon mr mckai
- Rule:
Generally speaking, we are reasonably lenient with regards to spam. We tolerate less serious posts in the journals section, provided that the post is at least somewhat constructive. Anything provoking reasonable discussion is generally considered okay. We do not tolerate random senseless spam. A general rule of thumb is to post if you have got something reasonbably useful to add, as opposed to posting simply for the sake of posting. Posting journals with questions which can easily be answered by Google will be deleted without warning. Your journal title should also be relevant to the contents of your journal.
An example of what senseless spam includes, but is not limited to:
- Off-topic pictures
- Reply-chains
- Thread-hijacking
- x00th hit/Now Playing/YouTube* journals (nobody cares - seriously)
- Smiley replies
*If you have something to say about what you are playing or linking for the sake of creating a discussion then by all means post it. Merely posting the link, however, is discouraged.
Anything along those lines is generally considered as spam.
- Punishment:
- Posts will be deleted
- First-time offenders will be warned
- Repeat offenders will receive one-day bans
- Constant breaking of this rule will result in lengthier bans, dependant on the nature of the offence