Looking for a...

...person to help me...

I made a journal about this earlier but everyone sucked so much so I have to make a forum thread aswell...

I got a laptop and Id like to try et (public, watch NC). Problem is that the minute I start the game and reach the first menu where you're supposed to type in info to create a profile it starts to hack so much that its _very_ hard to move the cursor anywhere.

It keeps beeing like this for around 1 min then it freezes and I cant do shit. I cant move the cursor, I cant alt enter, I cant alt ctrl del. However the music continues and the smoke and trees keeps moving in the background.

I dont have any problems with other games from the same engine (quake 3, rtcw) so it shouldnt be any problem with my hardware.

I installed ASE and joined a server. During the awaiting connection process the console responds directly, I can type whatever I want and the game responds instantly.

When Im on the server the problems starts again. I cant move, I cant pull down the menu or console. Also the game runs smoothless so it would be possible for me to watch games if it wasnt for the fact that I cant move the camera with the mouse/keyboard!

After a while of clicking everything I get a beeping sound in my earphones kinda like if you press the wrong button sometimes. As if there was a huge delay in the game then suddenly the ingame-menu pops up (1 min to late :(). Then its another click on escape and some long waiting before I can remove it again.

So to sum it up: the game is extremely slow/completely frozen in the menu and in the game (however the background/game runs perfectly)
Quote it starts to hack so much that its _very_ hard to move the cursor anywhere.

I'm guessing you mean lag? But when you're thinking about something else so intently, you tend you put the wrong word..
I'm not opped in #cheatbusters.et for nothing!
Quick, Screenshot before he edits it!11
I'll try! but you never know, he might have an xfire screenshot blocker!
Sure I could type lag but then some other guy would tell me that lagging is when you got a high ping and get a delay when moving your mouse etc. :)
get a new laptop
I suppose you already reinstalled ET?
Öh, öh du-h well-eh mister wow I neva tried that! :)
Are you sure vsync isn't laggin you?

Helped my friend who played on laptop.
How can vsync make the menus, cursor, keyboard etc lag when the game itself runs without any problems?
in_mouse 1 :o works for q3 x]
Well, I only eyeballed the text cause I was at school :P
There is program called etwc.exe. You can search it from google. You run that program before you run the game. That program allows you to exit in difficult cases. Try reinstalling the game in some other directory. Or
1. Uninstall and reinstall your video driver.
2. Remove Windows from your computer and install Linux. =D

linux is for ze Sweden hackers only!
Nah, Sweden hackers all use windows.

Linux for zhe England hackers and chaplja.
ask criatura :P
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