Syncro fragmovie

What do you think ?

1 year ago, before this clan, there were all low (low+ max). But just after syncro birth, they became zero to hero in few days/weeks.
Now they're "the best french team ever" (real quote from them)...
Yesterday, they beated dESIRE in an official war (french league), highest settings won.

Demos :
Quote by Chass3ur, 8 Jun 2008, 10:39 PM
Avis aux moviemakers pour les .avi ! Si vous trouvez quelque chose d'obvious, et je vous met à l'épreuve,
alors faite nous une belle fragmovie !

Chasseur :

Ren :

Sun :

DadoO :

NaKaTa :

Switch :

Et puis, vous en aurez besoin, Good Luck !

He said : Go on movie-makers ! If you find something obvious, I challenge you, make a nice fragmovie.
Good luck, you'll need some !
switch is alrdy busted issnt he?
I don't think he is... there was an avi few monthes ago, but no bust
your qoute failed
EDIT: fixed
we hvnt c syncro @ lan :\
randomBuster = Rodia again? :(
nah, french cheatbuster that isnt busted :)
busted 100% BAN CB CMMON
funny fellas :-)

34 syncro.DadoO fdp
35 syncro.DadoO fdp
36 syncro.DadoO only rape
37 syncro.DadoO lowbie
38 syncro.DadoO lowbir
39 syncro.DadoO donka after 1v1 plz

95 syncro.DadoO only bs
96 syncro.DadoO fu ur mother

110 syncro.DadoO 1on1 ur low+ NP
111 syncro.DadoO ...
112 syncro.DadoO "skilled"
113 syncro.DadoO skilled
114 syncro.DadoO script ON

116 syncro.Switch ok
117 syncro.Switch nice
118 syncro.DadoO low+ 1v1
119 syncro.DadoO NP
well, sorry this vid dont proof much. Its always the known positions there got aimed on...
rofl rofl rofl ...
nothing suspicious :) reaction time slower than granny on push bike.
that doesn't happen with w/h
Busted 100%
Syncro wasn't low+ 1 years ago. Randombuster but you you are lowbrain
you're right, you were low not low+
well they kinda were we beat them easely with mentiz in open cup
ban plz.
Yes, master.
Dont put Swiss flag, its a shame for us.
what's happened of obvious or suspicious ?
Syncro wanted to go on a french LAN because all of french people whine of us. But admin of the re@LAN (a french LAN) don't let us to go and play at this LAN....
So what do you want that we do ?
learn english.
Ciao at next CDC dont act like a fool D:D: There are enough lans to come to
nah, they can't on september D:

thats exactly when CDC5 and frenchlan 2 take place... :(

and oh, they couldn't go to the first frenchlan, how sad :(
encore cet argument bidon?

tu t'en doutait pas ?
From the same player
its .mp4 not .avi :\
i care cuz i cant read mp4 files with my crappy comp :\
Bruce you are a cheater/busted, why do you speak of us ?
Please syncro.Your brainwise is so low that it becomes suspicious even when u have 5hs/map.
Come to lan and stop ur bullshit ;)
They beat us, so of course they are cheating, what else ?

Seriously, Switch was low+ there is 1 year ago and now he gave more headshot than mAus or Azatej during a war and he shoot guys through walls...

This is one of his stats one year ago and I'm might sure that you can find stats like that during others wars :

PS: Sun, Ren(blackji) et Chass3ur n'étaient pas low+ il y a un an, faut pas éxagéré non plus.
like you were pro 1 year ago
seen switch + nakata cheating many times @ split pub, enough for me
it was faker
Love the song.
they are noobs
Cheaters ftw, les mecs qui me disent 50 fois avant la LAN de les laissés jouer et arriver à la LAN les mecs veulent pas touchés un PC :? , cu @ LAN
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