just searching oid

im bored of playing titan quest already and after 3 days completed the game so im searching for a nice ET clan now, i dont care bout skill tbh just want fun.
i think my skill is med, maybe lower maybe higher dunno.
my highest skill is communication [only ventrillo tbh]
i dont mind 3o3 5o5 6o6, but i prefer field ops or engi.
i can play serious if needed ofc
speaking english, dutch, belgians and benelux's \\o\\\
my clanhistory is in my profile but its pretty long :<
[email protected] [dont contact me for cybersex splodge]
or just send me a pm w/e
gl seco nice dude imo ntb jeweet
TQ rox!!! but i lost my profile after HD-crash :((
gl Sector!
haha skatjoew ! ik mis je nu al :((( doeiii liieverd :( <3 NTB
gl sectorthingiedude.
this really is him haha
hi mr.retard
a cheat and a hack are not the same im not a cheater tbh and not a hacker first get some REAL proof before acusing 50% of all etplayers with the almigthy powerproofs of YAWN
GL seccie <3
gl sec
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