Map change error

I have this weird problem
Everytime there is a map change my ET suddenly stops responding.
Then I get the widows error : "ET.exe reageert niet"
which means in english : "ET does not respond" :p

It sometimes just occurs when I'm playing and I have a little framedropn ET crashes , same error

I'm not going to post my entire CFG but you can ask for cg_ settings f.e. if this matters to the case.

ty in advance, eCho
ye, most of ur cvars are hack based or what? >D
Not really , no
Just wondering if there's a solution for this without having to format my pc, which I don't have time for atm (exams n stuff)
to bad i cant help you
cg_gun_frame thing?
wasnt it the cg_gun_frame or something that caused this?

edit: guess i should read other comments before next time!
cg_gun_frame 0
if not - cvar_restart
this would really piss me off
yeah might be that because gun_frame is on 1 or 2 atm

I'll get back to you guys shortly if it still crashes
reply skillz
I had gun frame 1, then i deleted it out of my cfg, but still my ET crashed sometimes in the beginning of a map :<
it's fixed =)
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