Brothaz stole ya bike!

Hello peoples,

Estonia Me and my homie Anonymous EMERICA (not the fake one) are in need of a Anonymous ET clan y'all.

> Some basic Poland shizzle aboutz us:

>> We both are 16 and consider ourselves Anonymous mature enough.
>> Both fluent with England English
>> Skillz around Anonymous med/+.
>> I'm (Estonia FIERRO) like pro Anonymous Fieldops and Anonymous EMERICA is like really pro Anonymous Medic
>> We talk in vent, so dont worry about not telling you when you are gonna get Finland backraged.
>> Both of us are loyal, motivated and skilled players.
>> Both of us have played like 3 years Ethiopia ET
>> We are the rambos and we can do Poland damage and if needed we can like be Estonia teamplayers.
>> We are soo active that if you need us, we are online!
>> We have like been together in Estonia / Estonia #glitz / Germany #pstarZ / Europe#Venue - #Octense / Estonia #Lectors / Hungary #ovs-gaming .
>> Some achievements also together with Anonymous EMERICA in my profile.
>> We never have had Poland hax !!!

> The team should be:

>> 16+ of age.
>> Around med/+ skill, should have tax and teamplay.
>> Poland Cheatfree and Belgium whinefree.
>> England English comms and should talk about ingame alot.
>> Anonymous Fun to play with.

Contact us @
Or just send a PM
you speak decent english not fluent but gL
* fluently

n1 smartass
sorry i made a mistake @ writing @ a gamers forum mister fucktard
well why were you correcting him then ?
didnt correct him only told him the truth
k sry, my bad then
n1 = none if you write it out, so, i guess u failed too if u wanna bitch on every fucking comment like that
n1 stands for "nice one" ... god...
gl guys
>> We never have had hax !!!
lies !!
join obscaenus
U DID IT.Having fun with playing dio?
tak DIO to your clan
so wrong in so many ways
especially @ the part "we speak fluently english"
gl fierro, nice and skilled!
gl fierro :)
omg Finland EMERICAthePILLUMAN omg !! the one and only, REAL!
gl both o/
gl :) (so many flags!!!) xD
Anonymous = fun? think I'm going to nuke ur houses, lots of fun then :D
gl fierro
GL mates <33
no GL ! :D
i am a hater :<
#Volume KnifeCup v2 [ Fierro, Finch, Popz, Decap]

high five !

best fieldops ever seen
gl guys ;-)
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