
image: xfirebannersiqnm4

Team siquidem recruiting one skilled player

should be:

-acive(very active)
-good comms
-not 14 years old wnb

Info of team:

Team siquidem

Slovenia oppro8rium (RazeR, quAntocius)[/i]
Slovenia immoo (VgS,team-Slovenia)[/b]
Slovenia wiseboy (pstarZ)[/b]
Slovenia vektor (team-uQ, gods.inc)[/b]
Switzerland arrow (team-Switzerland)[/b]
Switzerland DabSter (team-Switzerland)[/b]

/q me or immoo @ #siquidem.et
Gl immoo oWn@tor, VEKTOR , wajsboj :)))

gl guys
Where are the random flags+pictures?
*edit: Goodluck2you!
image: wtf
random pic imo :)
good luck wiseboy, oppro and immoo
"-not 14 years old wnb" ... So patronising.
go arrow and dab
gL@vektor. :o)
to complicated clanname to read it.
Seriously LoL at peoples ex-clans nowadays
what're you whining at, that's their real ex/current clan
Oh I don't doubt that those were their actual ex-clan. It's just that most of those clans had 10 different teams. For example Slovenia vektor. I've never heard of him yet apparently he played for uQ-Gaming and gods.inc. Two clans that have had very reputable teams under that name.

Since I'm a bit hungover, it's a little hard to explain but you get my drift I guess...
gl immoo ,gl opium ^^
gl oppro
#uKurac :D, gl WiseBoy
uKurac xD :*
gl, take Germany stiff
You mean Israel stiff.
von mir aus auch der :)
nice guys gl

gg yesterday :>
GL immoo and oppro !!! <3
gl Switzerland DabSter <3 & Switzerland arrow
RazeR? cant remember u :x
Indeed, that's what I thought, he must of had a different name..
gL immoo :***
arrow wiseboy & oppro :)
gl on3md <3
gl on3md
take Meth / Sky / Rezon and u ll have slovenian dreamteam!
gl guys
u gonna stay at 6o6 ? or gonna play 5o5 ?
I'm sorry can't remember either oppro or on3md being in RazeR.
np :-) but u can still remember me :PP
gl arrow
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