com_maxfps prob

I have been playing for over a year with com_maxfps 76..and teh game alwasy ran smooth
Now since 2 weeks i have to put coM_maxfps 125 to make it run smooth

The problem is if it reaches 100 in some cases the screen runs shaky like i have got 40 fps when i actually have 100..76 fps is not playable for me anymore:(

can someone help me plz
- r_mode 4
- r_swapinterval 1
- pimp ur pc, get better preformance (u can change that easily with ati card or with the program rivatuner:>)
I haven't changed anything in my pc since 2 weeks ago ands it worked fine

I have Q6600,7900 GS,2 Gb ram it should be enough for Et i guess
r_swapinterval 0
what that command do ? :o)
it unties your max framerate to the refresh rate of your monitor.
yeah 76fps isnt anywhere near playable
i had the same prob, but now i started using a diff config

maybe you should try a new cfg idk
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