connection prob plz help!!!

Hey all i am new here :)
Lately i have this huge connection prob that makes it no fun to play.
Anyway the prob is that my connection doesnt go smooth but cuts all the time.
The connection cuts for like 0.1 sec and then comes back and its like it all the time :(
The lagometer green line doent go smooth,but cuts all the time:
something like this:
__ __ __ __ __

well u get the point.
Anyway i tryed formating pc,replaced modem,replaced net card,tryed dif configs etc
nothing helps :(((((((((((

PLZ HELP if u had this or u know how to fix it!!
Location: Israel
move to west europe or smth :D
plz ppl get usefull:D
sure it wasn't pb and not connection? also use to see where problem is. just put server IP in there without the :27960 port etc.
mabee download Zero Wireless shut down
malware ftw
I've got the same problem, I'm switching ISP's.

It's either a faulty router or your ISP is just shit like mine
thx for replies
pingplotter shows that i have packetloss.well it just shows the prob
but no solution :(
and btw i can connect with 2 ISP's and bouth show packetloss .
the funny thing that my roommate has the same provider same connection and doesnt have lag so i dunno what to think.

Israel connection ftw :((((((((
eim yesh leha bezeq abney zonot aele hosmim portim behavana l-europe bishvil shetikne havilat gamer ;(
biglal ze yesh lagim.
ani mehubar dereh 012 v 014.bshneyhem oto hara v le haver sheli ein lagim az lo hoshev she ze ze.
Maybe move to a EU country ? :D
seta cl_packetdup "1"

you have a dual core cpu? amd or intel?
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