180 degree turn script

cause im super lowsenser (120 degrees @ 40 cm / 180 degrees @ 60 cm) and i cant play any other way (QPAD CT LARGE, LOW SENS FTW for us 100 pingers who cant hit shit), i really need a 180 turn script, so if anyone has a working one, pls gief!
I has it.

E: bind z "com_maxfps 50; wait 2; cl_yawspeed 1700; +left; wait 10; -left; com_maxfps 125"
only that yawspeed is limited
Put more yawspeed and it forces trough.
zomg lazy ass greek, use the search button it has been posted sooo many times
it's useless anyway
its totally overrated.
There are at least 7 forum topics about this already. And if you search "180 turn" [x] users, you'll find the script from some random user profile. -> download config.
everytime i do it it only tursn 45 degrees because ETPro doesnt allow yawspeed 1700:p
then you dont have the real one
"the real" lolz
lol, change sens.
BIND x "com_maxfps 60; wait 2; cl_yawspeed 11250; +left; wait 2; -left;cl_yawspeed 0; com_maxfps 73"
does it still work? cuz i heard yawspeed is cheatprotected atm :<
yes i tested both svanaris and wealths on bio, they both work fine, and btw wealths makes a PERFECT 180. just change the last maxfps of wealths to the one you use (i play for example with 100)
oki thanks :)

super lowsens is the solution to hit ppl more for 100 pingers like me, i have tried both med and high sens, but the spread is just too much
Gaming with such a low sens is like walking in traffic with a:
beasty's cfg has a nice one I recall
Yeah its a nice script to be honest, not when i am walking and shootin tho.. Its only good when i get revived and i should turn 180 as fast as i can because i know the enemy is behind me. So sometimes its very useful ! If you have the script already have fun, else pm me. :p
overrated niggah!
u must know nussi äitiä!1
I used to play with 80 cm=360°, but you beat my lowsens :<
That sir, isnt lowsens
no it isnt :D:D
Script for turning, that's so skilled.
I don't need any turn script even though I have almost as low sens as u do :<
45 cm for 180 degrees np as well
I used the same sens some time ago :D
Quotecause im super lowsenser (120 degrees @ 40 cm)...

mine is even lower then that, can i get a WOW pls?
it really sucks but thats the only way to counter the spread i have as a 100 pinger :(
15cm for 180 turn ftw :D
set spin180 "com_maxfps 40;set cl_yawspeed 22500;+left;wait 2;-left;set cl_yawspeed 140;com_maxfps 125"

bind x "vstr spin180"
120 degrees at 40 cm


I do 450° at 40 cm :DD
I have 400° at 40 cm

med sens FTW!
i need that turn, cuz all ET is, is backraging PROS
10 cm 360 is enough
This game is too easy with lowsense. :(
hmm, with my "old man reactions" it´s harder with low sens ^^
30 cm 360°
low sens != skill bibuy.
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