need help :/

I installled ET @ the pc of a friend and after i updated the patches 2.60 and 2.6b i updated the pb

and then i connect on the server and all the time this comes.

| |
| Server Disconnected - PunkBuster kicked |
| player "name" (for 0 minutes) ... |
| Restriction: Service Communication |
| Failure: PnkBstrA.exe |

hope u can help me thx :)
try b_muzzleflash 0
yes vista
maybe here ? Tutorial
Yep, surely problem with vista Firewall/security.
Your "PnkBstrA.exe" can't connect to internet.
(absolutely nothing to do with b_muzzleflash or another CVAR...)
Change the properties of et.exe . Set et to run as administrator and also to run in windows xp compatability mode. Run pbsetup.exe as administrator and hopefully it should work fine.
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