Export Excel + VBA to Webpage

Posted this yesterday in a journal already, but I still didn't fix it (nobody helped -.-'), so here it is again! ^^


I finished the archivingsystem in VBA I wrote a few journals about earlier. Now I want to export my program (being started by a button on an excel sheet) to a webpage, but it won't work.

Button code (VBA) from the main page:

QuoteSub StartProgram()

' StartProgram = Button1 at Sheet1 at Excel
' Home = Form1

End Sub

To make it clear for you guys:
The program starts at Home.form (renamed from Form1.form). I've made a button in an excel sheet with the code you've just read, opening the home form. When I click it in Excel the program starts, but when I click it when I've exported the Excel sheet to a webpage the program won't start.

When I publish my Excel file as a webpage, I indeed get the excel sheet with the button as an activeX element, but when I click the button nothing happens. At first I thought the VBA code wasn't exported to the webpage together with the excel sheet, and I was right. I edited the published page with excel, and noticed that the forms and modules weren't there. So I copied and pasted them in my webpage file (under forms and modules folders ofcourse, like in the original document), but still the button won't work. I've tried giving the button a macro, giving it VBA code, both didn't help.

try to debug step by step
there is no error lad :>
I just want to export to a website, but when I open the website the button to start the program does nothing, while it does work in Excel itself...
Quote by ???Save the worksheet, chart, pivot table with 'interactivity', (a selection from the dialog), which saves the Spreadsheet 'web component'. This option makes the web page look, feel and act like a live spreadsheet, not just a flat HTML document. This is demonstrated here and requires you have Office Web Components (OWC), which ship with Excel 2000 SP1 an up. You must also have Internet Explorer 5.01 installed

image: saveaswebpage

Maybe it's only for cell interaction not vba :)
ye, that's the whole problem ^^ Now I want that vba in a webpage, so that if I click the webpage it opens a screen with a button to start my program, and when I click that button it starts the program (from which the code is in the exported exceltowebsite shizz, u understand what I'm trying to say? ^^)
Why don't you just make some vb6 or vb.net application? :)
coz @ work we don't have those programs ^^
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