USB port

I got a new ipod touch for a graduation gift but when i connect it to my pc it keeps saying that i need to connect it to a high speed port which, as far as i know, i have done. I tried other ports and it's the same, so now it's going to take something like an hour to sync with my itunes because it's going so slow. Does anyone have any ideas?
update your chipset driver
maybe you still have usb 1.1 ports and not 2.0 (HiSpeed)

I also have a bios option to slect hispeed usb or some other option.
it prolly would have been better to give you a better pc for graduation than a gay ipod
why should an ipod touch be gay?
according to your profile you are 15. ofc you find an ipod touch super mega cool.
what's your problem with me being 15 and why don't you answer my question?
he is jealous about your gaypod!
how do you know i got an ipod?
you are not using xp without sp2 are you?
normally when i connect a device i know it's using the right port because i get a message in the taskbar, but now it doesn't. I'll try another cable maybe.

Defo a weird yin!

Tip: Copy the exact erro message into google and hit search, see what happens [/NOTsarcasm]
u need Service Pack 2 for windowsXP

and try it @ other PCs
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