cod4 crash?!

when i join a server, after +- 5min my pc crashes kinda 1 fps / 5 seconds.
im playing with optimal system settings (1024/768, 4 AA, 125 fps).
at single palyer it runs fine, i dont use xfire and u can check my spec at profile.

im trying to fix the problem all week w/o solution( desinstaled, installed, formated reisntalled...)

any tips will be appreciated ;)
can't see a Switzerland crAshh
format till it works
well, 1st try to exist all of the programs when you play.
if it doesnt work try to reinstall the graphicard driver [maybe check for update]
if that doesnt work reinstall cod4
if that doesnt work format you pc
and finally if that doesnt work please go to your nearest store to your home and buy a new fucking computer :D
order a pizza and wait
xD 5 replys , 4 fuckin useless, get a life pls.

thx durex

format includes all steps,except close all programs while playing, the only that i didnt try ..
my reply wasnt useless =(
format helps me a lot
closed all progs including firewall and it seems ok
lets see if it fixed :P

btw im banned from servers that i never joined wtf ?!
your pc got visited by some serious *et*oders business
found the problem thanks for the useless replys kids
used some1s cfg ?
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