New Old Maps

Since the map sources are finally open, there is our chance to bring new old maps into et.

We all saw sw_oasis and sw_fueldump fail hard, because it was impossible to edit the maps and onyl change spawntimes and some simple stuff.

Now the few remaining skilled mappers could take the great parts of those maps and remove or edit the parts that did not work out.
Are there any mappers willing to do?


I'd personally like a new fueldump with a new first part (depot fucking owns! with cp spawn) and a slightly edited oasis (not the sw b3 shit).
sure but the maps now are just so great! :)
just fix some bugs, barrals etc.
doubt they are great for competition. they arent played for a reason.
they arnt played for a reason because there not the most popular maps unlike braundorf, supply, goldrush. i think fueldump isnt played in a competition because its just such a huge map, if engi can get through there are many tjs to get over. sooo....

+ i know a kinda bug on oasis which its basically impossible to defuse. :) pmme if you need help on that one pmme on here
how awesome of you!
maps now are great? You're totally wrong, you maybe play the game since 2 years maybe 3 but I can tell you for the guys that play this game since he's out it's totally bored. Always the same map, if you ask a 3on3 or 6on6 on irc you're 90% sure that there will be supply or braundorf. It's so fucking bored and annoying, if there is some new maps coming, then maybe it would be "alive" again, cuz now he's fucking dying :o).

delete supply+b4+adler from the map pools, make some new maps, bring oasis ( the old one ), goldrush ( the old one ) and some maps like et_ice, beach etc back.
I really agree on that playing maps like supply or b4 is really boring since every player askes for tham in a 3on3/6on6 but they are really greate maps imo.

but would be nice if we got brand new onces, (not saying its easy to make tham though) like bremen is a greate map or frost & adler where a real inpact when they where relised
but why are all searching for a match in braundorf & supply when the maps are so boring?
Cuz the opponents or even some teammates wants those maps?
no et without supply.
you can't just remove supply because it's "overplayed" as it still is the best map in et for competition besides radar.
rofl, its the best map for all the guys that can't play on a flat ground. Only flat ground on supply, b4 also. That's why everybody wants to play it. I remember my days on oasis, goldrush, ice is also nice. Ofc, its just my opinion.
i don't agree, supply is a very decent map for competition, axis/allies are well balanced, lots of stages. the only point of criticism might be that it's overplayed, but it's overplayed for a reason imo.
and you can't compare it with a fucking horrible map like braundorf which is only leaning and camping and lotto with low m_pitch (no whine, i'm also using low m_pitch, but still).
I agree for a part, but the rest is totally wrong for me. The way that it's overused is making the map really crap and boring for some players, everybody know "how" and "when" and "what" to do and stuff. That's why I'm sure that if there is some new maps, and great ones, then we should delete supply, frostbite and others shits.
there are no decent alternatives to replace a map like supply with.

bremen was a nice try and even made it into the mappools. it's a decent map but it's not as good as supply actually. for example the last stage - defending the truck - is overpowered imo and if someone is able to repair the truck as long as axis don't have a defense at truck yet then the team is often fucked. but all in all it's already a very decent map, especially compared to the likes of braundorf, frostbite and adlernest (which are playable in 3on3 but suck hard in 6on6).

and if we don't even have maps to replace braun or frost with, then removing supply shouldn't even be considered. but that's just my opinion.
Agree also, but that's why I was saying that if we got some others maps, we should replace them. And good maps, please.
change oasis to the thing with dragons,, didnt remember who posted it but there will be dragons :D

*decem's version of oasis is what we need !
*image: oasis_improvement
decem i think
already knew it but thanks anyway ;)
u must be kiddin me :O
i could try to do something :) just pmme ideas and other mappers. We should start somekind mapping community channel and etc with mappers
im not a mapper so i could only help with managment&some gfx
/m frico
we should focus our efforts on maps designed for competitive et, not modifying subpar maps for the cause

also, returning to old maps would just be going full circle, which is the opposite thing to what ET needs

we need new maps to keep the game fresh, its what seperates a manly mans game from a lesser game, for instance WC3 vs StarCraft.
secret weapon
eiM, Snake, DeSanchez!
make maps without 90degree corners but more rounded so ppl cant rly lean :)

bad english, dunno how to explain it :D
no more walls = no more wh
no more boxroom ?
And no extra exit at Axis spawn, guess this is the first braundorf version
the other stairway is also not on the command map
um... thats the command map for the real braundorf

boxroom isnt on the command map, check yourself
i dont use command map a lot :)
yes plz new old maps.

just remove SUPPLY from ET.

its just too boring map thesedays.
no et without supply.
you can't just remove supply because it's "overplayed" as it still is the best map in et for competition besides radar.
I might try some things if I get my radiant working -_-
railgun make it! :>
image: 110607_cod4MAPS_downpour--screensho

Get some ideas from cod4 maps?
looks rly big, i prolly get lost:s
tbh i think ET needs more "new" maps as well and not only remakes of the ones we already have :(
i really love to see an edited version of railgun :)
Just give ET a map pool of like 10 maps, enough choice, np.
when is the next map contest?
radar is teh only map of old packet, which is done perfectly.
goldrush was fine too
imo not, because it lasts too long with driving panzer.

I would change every map so, that the max time takes 15 minutes. 30 minutes is toooooo long.
better way: fix braun, adler and frost for not being "for luck"
would be 95% remake...
and of coz, fix:

railgun is the only one worth fixing
I'd like to see new/old oasis. Remove the first part. Game should start from the old city. I'd also try with increasing number of possible spawnpoints - how that would affect the gameplay. What is more - objective that could be done by both sides. Like comand post @ grush_te. That might give another point for tactics.

Since we all like maps with moving things. - grush_te with tank, and truck; supply with truck, crane; bremen with truck - my idea is to shorten the railgun - for example - a tug should have been loaded already @ start, change spawnpoints, make map a lil bit smaller, increase fps.

I'd also like to see revived dubrovnik, famous phrase here 'it has got POTENTIAL' and I wish that potential was exposed. Unfortunately map was fucked up pretty much with fps, so its the first thing we need to work on.

I have sort of idea that crossfire admins in cooperation with or smth could work on. CDC5 or whatever it is going to be called is soon, why not giving a chance for a new-old maps over there ? Organize a contest for the best competition mappack - including 6 maps (for example system 3-3 > stock+revived: radar, sw_te, + revived map by author; non-stock+revived : supply, bremen or any other + one map revived by author - could be dubrovnik or so).
Prize: ? We are all watching those adverts in here - earned money could be used for a prize. 100 euro or/+ some hardware could be nice I think.
removing first oasis part sounds good for me.
start at city and build a cp somewhere later, think decem had this in his oasis pic.

not much of a railgun fan tbh.
moving things? bullshit

we like maps with docruns
moving things+docrun = success
only map that succed without moving things was radar.

perfect map in my opinion:
(destroyable obecjt/capturing flag) + (escorting vehicle) + ( obj run ) > last 2 parts may switch.
its a better feeling in my opinion to play without rain and stuff

Make a Carentan map, I already got an idea for it <o/
why nobody play specialdelivery_te, it's a new ( edited ) map, so you can play this one in match. ?
why not other great maps?
this one is great, so it does have supply, frostbite, goldrush, braundorf, bremen, adlernest, et_beach, radar, specialdelivery_te, Karshia

so we should do one more but there's inside like adlernest or braundorf @ the control because outside map are really bad for ppl with low CPU
people were playing railgun over 4 years ago and NOBODY whined about low fps.
I wasn't there =) never played railgun in a match ;o

but you see, we have 10 maps (if I haven't forgot some) here but ppl keep playing braun and supply (lol) we can't change it

edit: there are not enough inside maps, all the maps are outside and only 1 inside.
admins can easily
edit: and admin can't do a lot because ppl (the opponent) cry a lot when a team pick beach or goldrush ( myself ) and you say that admins can change it :? srsly, the other teams don't want to play other maps than supply and braun
The maps will be played more often if they are at the mappool.
need more short maps no customs!

stock et maps are not designed for competition, it is useless, infact probably stupid to play them*

*except radar, which was a complete fluke
Give me till 2 july and I'll make a sample map + objective list :)
Lots of ppl cba to explore a new map. You see it everywhere. Teams rather pick supply, because they dont have to make tax for that (make new ones). everybody knows the map etc.
We all have to try the map and play it else the mappers work is for nothing.
railgun remake ftw
the best way to force people to play new or old fixed maps is to put them in every 3on3 / 6on6 cup, sothat everybody MUST learn them if he wants to play et :)
sw_oasis was edited (at least the map was way different) afaik and it was much better than normal oasis oO
et_ufo imo!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just remove useless fps-eaters such as water/fog/grass/mapsounds/moving objects (water pump)/useless super small wooden pieces
image: v2base_te & image: warbell

€ + reactor & another i forgot the name of
warbell - imo the worst map in et
i like the first part...but the end is kinda weird..should be different at least after bringing the objective aka book to the castle
Baserace war 8-) 60 minutes time no wallhackers there because u dun have any walls so great map <3
bettina is girl or boy?
make journal
Gender: Male
V2 Base is a rly nice map a remake of that one would be rly nice imo (Higher defense walls, u can easily jumper over em in orginal map)
Yeah but rly ive got some ideas for a map but i cant make maps my self :< If some1 is good @ mapping im free to share my ideas! :)

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