TUTORIAL: how to fix a map

For someone who tries to fix a map, here are good points (another can be added if u have ideas):

1) Time = 15 minutes.

2) FPS-ok.

3) No useless ways taking "too long" time to run like in oasis from second spawn to axis-base.

4) Possibility to take the objective (gold) back or to defense objective destination points (truck...) if taken, like in goldrush. karsiah is quite bad in that.

5) Various ways to do objective - different tactics possible.

6) No Lotto: 2-minutes map like adler or frost.

7) No "corner" based maps where low+ gets med+ by only camping.

8) All Possibilites of all classes can be good used.

9) Axis have min 2 spawns to avoid a hard sk. Or the construct of the spawn allows the axis to do smth against sk.

10) No random or lucky spawns, like in battery, which leads to no balanced allocation of axis and no possibility to balance that because of big distance. For example 4 axis spawned front and 6 allies back.

English crap crap...


rules :D make a tutorial plz, hahahah
a teamplay based map but with abit of lotto
6) Dragons
And fucking Wartortle to pwn the shit yo

image: anime008
8) People of black color, coming from the ghetto neighborhood to pimp this shit up nah'mean ?

I'm Impulz
maps like oasis are great, even with aimbot u will suck without alilttle bit of intelligent and teamwork!!!
now think again why he hates them
u mean urself with "he" i suppose.
yes, but if the second allies spawn were near to guns.
the long walk lets you organize more carefully, and even relax after a failed attack, if you spawn next to the obj you have no time to think even
depends on how fast u can think and organize ingame.
= better for normal peoples and bad for brainless cheaters
+1 for us
dont speak about brainless cheaters, not the topic.
why because yo uare brainless?
what do u think?
you are a cheater, so u know my opinion
ok, i know ur opinion. But it doesnt change things.
yes you suck with it
did i own you or something or was it sarcasm
7) Choke points, so I can spam nades and artys on that place and get a lot of kills and damage
depends on situaton.
7) no walls
Walls are so 2k5 allready ..
True, we need a random squared room.
your on drugs?
9) corners where I can lean and be better than low+
rules, ROFLMAO
10) et_ice
11) ctf_multi
4) Possibility to take the objective (gold) back if taken, like in goldrush. karsiah is quite bad in that.


I changed it so: "4) Possibility to take the objective (gold) back or to defense objective destination points (truck...) if taken, like in goldrush. karsiah is quite bad in that."
Use the "Silent floor" effect, as seen in valhalla. THAT'd be interesting.
You may as well turn off sound then :D
No, still have the nade tics, the weapon switch noise, reload noise, ETC. Fkin welsh.

Like any of those you just mentioned are useful ;D
Ye ye nice downhill track
haha, yeah, this way cheators cant excuse themselves by saying "I heard you" (although the enemy was walking)
that way you wont be able to hear enemys and it will suck
+ more than one spawn for axis at 'last stage' to minimize spawncamping.
For 1st stage 1 spawn
2nd stage (last stage) 2 spawns, so you can attack from 2 different sides
It can be different, depends on the map.
If you want to have a huge map without many walls it's quite better to attack from 2 sides
yes, but its already a specification for properties like "big map" or "without many walls". Thats why i say "depends on the map".
A perfect map pattern is radar

1st stage
1 Spawn - many attacking possibilities

2nd stage
2 spawns - more attacking possibilities

A huge map without many walls, teamplay-based map quite good tactics are necessary
true, but: a map doesnt have to be huge and without walls like radar. I need generally points, for each map.
I dont understand #3? if you arent good enough to get the flag on frostbite (which 'unlocks' 3 attack routes) you are playing above your skill.

the back route has to be there for the axis, the fact allies has the possibility to go that way too is a side effect.

and I lolled at #6, Im not even going to begin on that one.
Right, "frostbite" i can delete. But there is another important point, which i will write down above.
in 6) you are avoiding excitment, i enjoyed watching those finals with Team-ND, amenti, idle losing / wining in their last mins...
winning in the last minutes means not "the lotto". But such a construct of a map, that a med/+ team wins against high team or a high team wins against another high team in only 2 minutes. Like in alder or frost. Its not ok imo.
This topic should've been called -"Perfect map for et"
its not possible to get med+ while camping as low+
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