Cornu Recs

Hello cF,

After long consultations we, s6URiii and Lumi, decided to keep on going with corNu.
So here we are again.
Our line-up is still not complete so that's why I'm making this post.

× What we want ..

» Skill ±med
» Mature
» Rifle, FdOps or Medic
» Good comms
» Nice Teamplay
» Avi from 19CET - 21CEt at least.
» No (EX)Cheaters - Clean yawn
» Able to speak EnglandEnglish

× What we can offer ..

» Gameserver (Soon)
» Mature players
» Nice teamplay
» Voiceserver
» Active clan (ATM we got 6-man lu we start playing cb: every week 2-3 matches.)

× Current Line-up ..


Any l33t questions feel free to contact:
Lumi : xfire: appeltrot
s6URiii: xfire: artxzone ; mIRC : s6URiiitjah [sAuriiitjah`Off] @ quakenet.
vAp got kicked ? x)
extensive post imo .. :XD
We do need those ppl so we can compete in cups and ladders for 6on6 :>
gL NzZ :)
whiner squad..
No vAp , no loose.. :D
ambro, so kind.. rly.. you rock with your wnb pro-sk1llz

He isssent even close, to wanabi skilled..

played him, conquered him. (of hoe je t ook schrijft)
n1 aQu
I dunno you, but i do love you <3 :XD
do you want to be my first friend on crossfire?
Yazeker lieverdj, ik heb je al added. :XD
hs master
I wanna give it a try sometime if I may, got a clean yawn I can atleast try to :)

xfire: tychojacobs
msn: [email protected]

can't come on IRC virus scanner doesn't accept it.

thank you,
pwners 4 life
gl take me :>

i'm always avi xDDD
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