Rockeyes_b2 released!

Hey CF Community,

some might remember the "maptests" on rockeyes_b1 some weeks ago - now the mapper finaly released the second beta with some changes.

QuoteThe Map is somehow like Supply. You first have to Capture a Flag (or plant the Mainbunker=Flag secured) then you have to escort a truck and/or plant a sidewall/build CP. After done so you can enter the last stage via a constructable ramp or the sideentrance. If entered you can build a controlpanelthingy ;p and a big maindoor will get opened...thus you got 3 ways to the last stage where you have to destroy 2 radars (like on tc_base).

It is a nice map and i guess it is (with a few changes) suited for competition! playtests will tell ;p

you can download the map here:

and test it on our warserver here: pw=own3d

additionally here is a link to a short obj explanation:

and here is a small
. map size reduced on second part
. new paths from bottom base to ramp and from main base to north radar
. spawn at main base is only at one side of base
. more cover
. lots of clips added
. some aesthetic work
. ramp is now single stage
. main gate use less tois
. fixed spawn times (30s allies / 20s axis)
. ambiant sounds (sound script was missing on b1)
. etpro commandmap shader provided in a separate pk3

if there is a publicserveradmin avi who can run this map on his pub or if you and your team is interest in doing some maptests join #rockeyes_b2 (i am away till monday or tuesday..thus we will start our maptests mid next week)

have a nice day!
might be in for our next edition of dystopia cup
would be nice ;)
dunno the map but putting new maps into a cup is a good thing ;)
Ppl get forced to play it and maybe they start liking it. ;D
that's the idea behind it :>
didnt rly like the 1st beta, i mean theres nothing bad but imo theres too many..unnecessary stuff in it. hope he has removed/fix some. gonna try it when i get home in few hours.
nice to see something a little more useful at least. every time I check splatterladder I see news about new maps that will never even be played. at least someone tries to create maps to play on competitive level as well
good job, but after i tested it i still think the map is kinda big.
Dunno if it's better if you play it in a war.
I also do not really like the blowable radars like tc_base. But that's my oppinion.
Put it into next cups please :)
NICE ´:)
Nice job, I'd also like to add thats it too "complicated", it should be simplified if possible (making the attacking /defending ways more obvious (like in supply or w/e) ) The size of the map doesnt rly matter that much, its all about showing the ways in a more simple way.

Nice job though yet again
- Cumbersome
- Truckroute is odd, and not good at all
- Map design is way too weird, like the truck ramp
- Gameplay aspects are left behind
- Scripting and useless stuff becomes before playability
- The looks aren't too compelling either

It's good that people make maps, but you should have more clearer view on what you are about to do. Good try.
k guys,

i will send the feedback to the mapper and i hope he understands that we need easier ways and stuff...

the for testing and plz pm me..i need 2-4 teams to test this map (to gather more feedback and usefull things for competition play)!

zedd roxx btw. map is running also @ hirnschlag ( (noq)

I don't know if zedd want the map move towards comeptition, but i guess he is open to every idea you give him.

P.s: you can also give direct feedback here
ye i am in contact via mail and sd forum with him and he said he wanna try to do some changes for comp map maybe he ll do a _te version... thx anyways
post some screenshots with info, should make the obj clear inmidiatly
u so didnt read the initial post
didn't want to click to see screenshots hosted on crappy imageshack
read the thread plz

additionally here is a link to a short obj explanation:
so I have to click the images, wait 5 fucking minutes for imageshack to load? no thnx

crossfire readers/ET players are lazy people you know
How shitty is your internet?
Seriously it only takes like 5 whole seconds to load a pic =/
I can download with 8 MB/sec here, but imageshack is always loading way to slow and has fucking pop-ups
Imageshack doesn't like you then =/ 12mb/s here,no probs

Btw this map is somehow too large.
it´s a nice map.. tested it with spu hazer bla bla.. fanboi avi
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