moviemaker available

I am avi for a project, highskilled players or clan are more than welcome.
What you can expect from me:
- good sync
- nice quality
- determined to finish movie

What I want from you:
- sorted demos with times
- not to post msgs like "is it finished already ?!!??!?!?" every 5 minutes.

Pmme here (if you want a testclip you can also pmme).
He is offline at irc, will try to catch him
I think moviemakers should post their previous movies and testclip in first post so others will see moviemaker's experience.

Moviemakers are always looking for 'highskill players only' even though they might not be any good themselves...

whut about this, i use vegas only for editing
take nuggan
nuggan or die
in case you dont know, Nuggan is searching for moviemaker!!!!!!!!
luurangot nousee haudoistaan
KEINONEN vapautuu raudoistaan
on tuomiopäivä, tuomiopäivä, KEINOSEN nimipäivä!
i made a 5 man kill once, take me
NuggaN is searching a moviemaker :-)
Any testclips?
crosser ?
'nd who is that nuggan guy?

not :xd
gut lak
ill pay you 500 dollars for makin my movie in 1 week
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