mize cfg
i am looking for a version of mize.cfg which contains binds like this: ------> medic.
and is r_mode 4 with cyan crosshair, it used to be on the internet on a site with all cfgs n stuff but i cant find it anymore... some help pl0x :ddd
and is r_mode 4 with cyan crosshair, it used to be on the internet on a site with all cfgs n stuff but i cant find it anymore... some help pl0x :ddd
pm mize?
hes not answering atm, i have his new cfg but i would like to have his old one back :s dunno if hes got it so im trying here
i cant see it tbh :X
Well, me neither, atleast mize's one..but there are loads of cfg's at there. Someone else might have it too no?
well im looking for mize's one on the inet so that site was no help :D i dont need another one
Do it by yourself then. gL :x
+1 Cypher :XD
i have his new and old, pm on irc if you want it
gief me too! <3
LOL who is that pwner?
me on u|k zlolz
jahah :P thought he looked familiar
some great actor
anyone got wiesiek's complete config => the .rar data? :D
I got it!
give zeh meeeee!!!!!!!!111!!!!11!!1
Yeah sure.
upload somewhere plx!
pm me it too , if original and not from my ftp
There is no one on your ftp btw, but np check inbox soon.
i got the old mize config