taLa = cless

Hi2u, I'm Belgium taLa aka Finland taLpaarii aka Belgium Voetsjoeba, just got back from teh Netherlands Krauts

Looking for a skilled and active team with solid teamplay and tax.

17,95 years old nolifer
I speak dutch & non-belgian english (no "oh men" & "my bed")
xfire skill (med/med+)
omnipotent ! I can play any class

+ pro coding skills
+ admin abuse on request
+ top secret xfire infoz !

cf`taLamasca @ #crossfire or #krauts.et
im cless too, should i make a thread too?
only if you want to find a clan
skileld guy :)
You cant join a clan, it would distract you from xfire!
liez, it's released, I'm freee
Coding and Maintenance by Jeroen "taLa" De Ridder.
Nah maintenance is just cuddling with foonr
Code me hax tala:< <3
gl jerre! :>
ga ervoor belgje van me ! <3
I lol'd :p
Function: God

Made me laugh :-)

Good luck 2 you.
Hi2u and gl
Searching for a player that can handle

Rifle ?
MG ?
Mortar ?

Then this guy is your best pick

taLa <3 GL
Succes schat maar je blijft altijd in krauts:P;) ik laat je er toch nooit uit:p

maar gl talamasca/voetsjoeba
lineupverneuker :(
KLopt maar je houd wel van mij:P
hes noobie, he doesnt want to add JOTE flag
Now start adding custom flags, please.
gl jeroentje
gl taLa :)
Quote + pro coding skills
+ admin abuse on request
+ top secret xfire infoz !

Lies, you never finished our site, never told us anything about xf³.

Anyways, you should take him because he makes every day a good day!
talpa ! gl belg !
take this guy he's teh pro u know
gl tALa !
Good luck
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