is steelpad qck+ worth buying?

steelpad qck+ is worth buying? btw i dont have too much money
using it for my g5 - 360 turn 33 cm - works a treat
yes it is, im thinking to order a new one cuz this is kinda dirty.. (beer,food,other drinks)
thats makin me broke, gotta stop eating on my desk xD
:P ye i need an keyboard also cause of those too ;D
ye... on my 4th kb myself atm >.<
hahha, you're just like me then :p can't we just stop eating >,<
Get the Everglide Titan if it needs to be a cloth mat.

It offers nearly the same glide as the QcK while it does not wear out. The QcK is worn down after a couple of weeks.
Yes, Everglide Titan is the one I've got, and it doesnt get dirty fast, and wheni t gets dirty just get a wet cloth over it and it's clean.
I have mine for over 6 months now and it hasn't worn out
You obviously don't pay attention to it or you are not expecting as much from a pad as I do.

From the first day you use it it gets a lot slower. That takes about 2 weeks. After that the pad will stay the same for probably a few more months.
But as consistency is the most important factor for me on a mousepad I'd not recommend it.
dunno, this is my 6th pad and I had all kinds of pads so I feel the difference, didn't really notice any significant change in the pad during these 6 months, it's mostly the same as on the day I bought it(it's only dirtier)
been using the qck+ for 3 years, imo the size is too big and it gets dirty really easily... if you are willing to buy a CHEAP mat then take the normal qck, otherwise it might be worth it to get something that's more expensive, i recommend the everglide titan just like urtier.
works fine for me
works fine for me
shittest mousepad ever
works fine for me
ye it rocks
I like it, it wont get dirty if you don't eat behind ur PC.
what about in front of the pc?
its so good its worth buying two! no but its very good.
I'd go for e qck heavy instead instead of the qck+ (it's thicker), tho the xtracpads hybrid and qpad ct are better mats imo.
Why everybody says its a good mat when its really cheap quality and the mouse feels sticky on it ? Dont listen to them, buy a decent pad instead.
maybe it's only for you? I have it for 6 months, dunno what stickiness are you talking about, as long as you clean it regularly(go over it with a cloth once a month) it's awesome
You wont feel if you wont test anything better
I had both better and worse pads and I still don't feel it
yes, im using qck with mx518 and it's fine
I like it aswell.
And i tried many pads

icemat,qpad like 3 versions,corepad,some razer pads,real steelpads.
I dont like rly smooth mousepads. I like grip and steadyness this is what this mousepad gives me.
Ive got it and b4 i hade a hard surface Q-PAD qck+ is alot better, generaly i <3 it
cheater gtfo

works fine for me
well, got qck heavy on my desk right now :D it sux for meh, qpad is better imo
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