Need some help on movie making

Hi , i just wanna ask what is the name of the program that gives you the option to watch et demos when you just clicking on the demo file ( i mean watching et demos without entering the game manualy)

and one more thing , where can i find good nvidia vga card settings for good quality when i record from the demos . i already searched for settings in 5151518510 web sites and i cant find any shit , there is only tutorials with Ati cards settings.

Thanks , looking forward to receive your answers.

Oh come on , dont spam the thread!!!
i need your help asap :(
ultraviolet media manager. Just put all to highest values
yes but what should i do with settings of vertical synch , anti aliasing gamma correction , anti aliasing transperency , conformant texture clamp , force mimaps etc....
there is no option to make the higger settings on this ones.
Just try something out?
just put AA & AF + quality settings to max, you can also turn on gamma correction and aa transparancy, they dont hurt but they dont make much diffrence in ET especially after compressing.
etpro is enough ...
afaik seismovision doesnt work with et, which is a shame. I have to go into the game, load up etpro then load a demo each time. But I'm an etmovie nablet ;]

in terms of nvidia settings, turn antialiasing, anistropic filtering and image quality all to highest when you capture - doesnt make any difference when you render afaik, but I have it on at all times - it can effect fps etc ingame so maybe turn it off when you want to play again.
thx everybody :)
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