Punkbuster wtf (fps jumps + lagspikes)

since a few days (2-3 maybe more dont remember exactly) i have this

image: 2hgtqwm

my lagometer is like this (small spikes), i get fps jumps from 76 to 30-40 every 0.5 seconds for a few minutes, and my ping shows 90-95 (which is impossible, i have 98+ always), then it stops and after a few minutes it goes on again. its like a slideshow to me (btw i pressed screenshotjpeg when it was 76 fps)

do u guys have it too???

My guess is that its PB

Do i need to reinstall ET to solve this problem? Also when i reinstall ET, i get different guids as well??


seta pb_security "0"
seta pb_system "0"
seta cl_anonymous "1"
seta cl_autoupdate "1
seta cl_maxpackets "100"
seta cl_maxPing "800"
seta cl_noprint "0"
seta cl_packetdup "2"
seta cl_punkbuster "1"
seta cl_timeNudge "0"

Ive been using modus cfg with some changes, but i dont think its cfg related.
ALSO x2, i always have fps drops. Its normally always steady 76 on high fps maps (really low pc) but since a few days its never stable, not even when im facing for example a wall on braundorf. I dont have fps drops when i play demos...
got this all the time, np :p
me 2 :)
And i have a decent pc
Ye punkbuster what the fuck, stop giving us lag just because we cheat. It's not fair.
Life isn't easy :$
my lagometer is like this (small spikes), i get fps jumps from 60 to 3-22 every 0.5 seconds for a few minutes, and my ping shows 3-12 (which is impossible, i have 25+ always), then it stops and after a few minutes it goes on again.

so yes i have it too
its nice (sorry lol xD) to hear that other people have it too :/
ur inet maybe?...or maybe not :P
Have the same problem, PB's fault imo.
on all servers?
on private servers. other people have it too i heard
must be punkbuster. try seta pb_sleep "500"
gonna try it thx
effect: pb will take less screeshots from your ET, PC whateva
no i dont have it.. 1000fps np for me.. doesnt matter if i have some lags then. .cause its anyway forced to 125 :/
- bad server
- random lag coz of isp
- other software uses bandwith also (downloads/uploads)
- spyware/malware
- memory problems (usage/ corrupted)
- shit settings (cfg, netlimiter etc.)
- punkbuster ftw
- harddrive is too full
- too much random shit downloaded from public servers into Etmain (soundpacks/ incomplete maps )
- just too many programs on at same time
- too many demos inside Etpro/demos folder (find another place for those)
- useless shit on cfg which makes you lag
- if you have saved cfg (like autoexec). open console and write /cvar_restart and then /vid_restart. then /exec <name>.cfg (donno how you have named it).

if you still have problems, just PM ME. I have always solved problems after some/all of these tips.

need to help somebody atleast once in a year :(
-all private servers
-not internet related, have fps jumps too
-i dont think so, i get my porn from torrents
-no netlimiter, i use cfg of modus with lower r settings (***bits)
-200/298 GB free
-I dont play more than 3 pubs
-I got low pc so I only have vent, minimiz0r and dinput with ET
-Put somewhere else already
-as i said above: cfg of modus with even lower r settings (***bits)
-gonna check, but i delete etconfig.cfg in etpro profile every once in awhile

thanks <3
/writeconfig autoexec
/exec autoexec
have a lag free gaming
still the same, its not cfg related :( thanks anyways
i have same exactly same problem! Just rebooting et helps :<
for me it doesnt :(
you're da only shit here
Same here, but only since ~ 5 or 6 days...very annoying.

No fps-lags but every 4 or 5 minutes lags and pikes, sometimes i even stand still for a second...

Reinstalled windows today, didn´t help, so the cause must be pb :(

Quote by www.evenbalance.comTuesday 07.08.2008 [1:45PM]

Version 1.678 of the PB Server for ET has been released to our PB Master Servers for auto-update and to our website download page. This is a maintenance release.
I'm having constant fps drops since a few days, dno whats up
i have this all the time, but fps is stable 125
open task manager and check if pnkbstr is using a lot of cpu every once in a while, if it does try updating pb
yes have the same prob
dont have fpsdrops but i got connection or lagdrops
maybe it´s your nexus ...
oh ye, ill check out
Buy these new things ;)

- New computer or parts of it
- New internet

Problem solved!

What about changing rsolution? Like 800x600 on a 1024x768 or 1280x1024 screen?
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