cheagn @ cless pmme fast!!!

im cless
im searching med/med+ clan
6o6 and of 3o3
im 13 years
communication dutch..plz
classes medic and engi
xfire: inz17
ex clans dunno ;p
aren't you sander?
that you which posted already...
im sander ye ;p!
who the fuck do you think you are?
13 year old kid come here and spamm, ffs go back to you fucking barbies and teddybears... omg
tough guy =D=D
with cheese as a flag
ok? maare ik zoek clanntje
im cless
im searching med/med+ clan
6o6 and of 3o3
im 13 years
communication dutch..plz
classes medic and engi
xfire: inz17
ex clans dunno ;p

ur recrute?
i recrute come to my channel #crossfire pm guy with nick "tosspot" , it's my manager he will recrute you.
nice you learned to do ctrl c ctrl v, good job keep it up
med/med+ als 13 jarige uhu
13 and med/med+?
ik ben med maar zoek med/med+ clan voor es tegen med+high skillers te spelen

maar ik zoek clannetje
kanker kindje
lol dbby!
ga je moeder vervelen en je vader roepen ofsow
omg kiddie think u r mid+, u dont even have any ex clans 13 years = no brain.
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