ET still crashing: REWARD for help

Ok like my last post:

my et is crashing..

Allready tried:
reinstall ET
Delete etconfig
cg_gun_frame 0


image: naamloosmh3

Who can help me solve this problem is the new owner of:
5 Bouncers


I first deleted all, then reinstalled, patched repatched, then tried mind his config. worked for 1 map then i tried it again, it crashed again..
so annyone with anny ideas left?


Gun frame
display fresh

Pleas help!
delete all et...install in another partition maybe
had this problem on other game modes...reinstalled it,but havent checked if it still crash...since i havent been on another mode than etpro
get new et.exe
how you mean?
you may have wrong/fake 2.60b patch (alot of people have it that makes them crash). delete your ET.exe and ETDED.exe at Wolf ET folder, and throw these in
disable dual monitors
nice FPS
hey hey 5 fps is the pwnat0r style
instal ET
download pbsetup
update pb

update drivers
clean your etmain, etpro map

put admistrator on
seta cg_gun_frame 0
There is also a bug that if you have too many pk3 files in etmain then this will cause et to crash
next time press on Click here, you'll get a link to a txt file in your temp folder, go to that folder without pressing exit or send/don't send, open that txt file and tell me what it says inside
do that and paste the error (logged in for this, I want 1 bnc!) :D
Come to msn pleas.
you won't find me there, paste the whole text on and pm me the link

or pm danL on irc
cant copy it, only can print screen so there we go..|

image: helppvd1
now go to that folder and open that fda_appcompat.txt and then paste the text from inside(go to run in start menu or press win+r and just type/paste c:\docume~1\sanane\locals~1\temp\ and then find fda_appcompat.txt)

remember not to close your crashed ET or the txt file will disappear

I'm not sure if you can select all the text in that upper window of the screenshot you've shown me, but if you can, select that and paste
uhm Check irc pleas thnx
clean ur etmain
do u have cg_gun_frame "any other value than 0" anywhere in your cfg?

Actually it is probably a video card driver problem try a different one even if its older..
try another gfx card driver
delete all useless pk3s from et_main and et_pro
reformat you pc
delete etpro profiles folder, update pb, get a new cfg to test
system restore back 1 week
Update your drivers.
QuoteWho can help me solve this problem is the new owner of:
5 Bouncers

And how many serious comments :DDD

As noedel said, system restore back 1 week
they're my BNC's if it works, you dont get 1 for quoting me! :-D
ehh, but nice try :'(
ok, maybe 1
:DDDDDD my master!
delete all your cfg files (etconfig @ your profile as well) and try to run your cfg again.

reinstall et, but when you delete it DELETE ALL FILES FROM PROGRAM FILES.

if it's not working too, CTRL + ALT + DELETE and check if there's any running program may harass the game working..

(spy & virus tests may help as well)

if all these arent working, my only solution is format :{

PS: why you're playing on 5 fps? it may be part of the prob too?
your stupid:P

I play on 125

but it drops to 0 in 1 sec when the first screen is loaded.
my friend has problem like it.

but finally we realized that his cfg is setted to max fps 1, which made the game crash (idk why)

after he setted it to 100 his game was fixed.
as i head this problem a week ago, it had to do with the wolfet.exe installation.
i re-downloaded it (the original with 257 Megs not the 263 Megs one) and patched it with 2.60 and 2.60b

try re-dl ;/ filefront as example

and don´t keep any files from your et folder not even the maps. only cfg!
well once i exprimented a self made cfg, and got error all the time, maybe is ur problem, try other config, and if it dont work, reisntal ET but dont update PB xD

and give me 1 bounce :$
just reinstall ET + 2.60 + 2.60b + etpro + maps and don't update PB manually, if you haven't tried that yet.
obivous hax
uninstall rivatuna.
same problem :/
is getright download manager running?
reinstall gfxdrivers
Might be due to your 5 fps.
try rshook
had the same problem some times, since i have a new videocart it's gone.
raise the reward
Nobody won, i just trew the Computer outoda window and bought a new one
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