backup 3on3/6on6 clan

Hi crossfire,

I would like to get a 6on6 clan for this summer. I can't promise that I will be very active since I would prefer real life than playing hence I will stay backup.

When I'm not working I would be almost 100% avi in morning and afternoon so any pracs or 3on3's bring them on.

Check out my profile for ex-clans (not so much to look at though)

I dunno about skill but lets try with something near OC 2 league? Or real med with a stable line-up..

I would only play medic, both the rambo and the reviver positions, no problem

And yes I've been clean for 3 whole years because cheaters suck, hence no suspicious clans please :)

Contact me here through PM or irc (/query hex4)


sry for long post xD
Warning Level: 5 / 100

WOW how did you do that?
opened a youtube journal

forgot it's against rules :(

damn you hellgoat :@
gl hex4! :-)
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