leito cless rly?

Hi, I'm looking for a 6on6 team (like each month) because of the split of alvi (split because of no prac = we lost 4:2 vs hb and same vs inv).
I'm so in need of a clan, sometimes I'm skilled (or not) and I can play medic, engi(smg) and rifle.
I can play all the time (sometimes I'm going out but just sometimes!)
So so so my old teams are in my cf profil.

lolled @ your profile :D were you bored?
what's wrong with it?

there's some pretty good tutorials in there
I know... its good for people who dont know anything about it.. but who would go and look for this info at somebody's profile ^^

Plus I just dont understand where you can find the time to do such a thing :D (imo!)
tutorials are meant to be informative, information helps us learn and without learning...no one would get anywhere in life

i think if he wants to do something constructive in order to help others, that's great, maybe you could take a leaf out of his book

"imo" i don't see how people have such the time to make whine journals http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=journal&mode=item&id=49499, but then again, that's just my opinion :]
come on dont be a retard.. that journal took me 1 minute and what he has done was pretty much work.... and im not trying to flame him or smth just giving my opinion :X

but like I said who would go and look for this INFORMATION in HIS profile
what's wrong with doing work if you enjoy it? I'm sure if he's good at what he does then those tutorials probably don't take long to make either

and also, I agree, no one would go searching for this information in his profile but stumbling upon something that could come in handy and is of interest to you isn't bad at all

there's an expression "you learn something new everyday" - you haven't necessarily gone 'searching' for all the new things you've learnt so i deem your comment pretty inaccurate
now you're taking my comment far to seriously
gL son of gitan

(cherche pour moi aussi)
again a proof you should never go with malczik in a clan
Leito going same style like crod!
you saying if you praccced you would beat them?

more ego please.
again and again...

hey gl laiteau ^^ hf a jouer a ET mon ami lollllllllllllllllllllllll
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