Battlefield heroes.


Battlefield Heroes

I'm going to make a Team for Battlefield Heroes, I dont know the release date yet, It can be tomorrow and it could be in 3 months aswell, It's fun clan so dont expect to much from it, if U want to join pm me here and I invite you.

Searching for atleast 5 players to join, if we need more I make a post again.

mIRC Channel #Violent-Heroes
How can you be sure of it?
This game is for free, right?
Yes, free for all.
Sounds nice imo :) gL

edit: yes sabio
"So who is Battlefield Heroes for? The marketing guys love to come up with snappy titles for market segments. The market segment they came up with for us was 'frustrated restricteds' – people who really want to play full games, and aspire to be gamers, but they're restricted in some way, and this makes them frustrated. Maybe they're restricted by money, time or skill?"

Sounds nice... :)
no it can not be tomorrow because then is kiewan testing the game so wait at least till monday..
first i will test the game but I'm looking forward to it
Quote by ur profil Clans.

EpiC Gaming

who the fuck r u ?
and who the fuck r u?
gtfo thx bye
spierdalaj kurwa k thx
twoj stary k thx
how do you even play clan wars in it?
it is able to play wars in this game , thats what the producer released in a interview.
You can''t signup anymore for the beta test. So the release date will be in a month i think. (heard the 8th of august). Anyway. Who will you be?
» national army
»royal army

we (sjhozda,ney,nickeR,prego,TBA) are going to be the national army :)
Battlefieldheroes site (signup)

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