nk3 cless/lan

im playing et since one week again and i really enjoy playing it :)

but playing public/mixes becomes boring after a while.

so im looking for a team which is going to play on cdc5 :) or atleast just online for now.


- 21 years old
- mature and skilled
- medic/engie (more a teamplayer than a rambo medic with a decent aim)
- able to play on lan (played at cdc3 and cdc4)
- playing et for about 4 1/2 years, with some longer breaks


- you should be skilled and play together for some time, but if you want to create a new team i should atleast know you guys!
- no random cheaters
- bla bla bla the same as always...
- would be nice if you attend @ cdc5 or whatever its called :)

send me a pm on cf or contact me in #velerion / #crossfire -> [n811en]miho if you are interested.
Loekino :

Warning Level: 0 / 100 - how come ?
the more you spam the less points
Gl mate <333
gl nookie <3
and lolz again some #velerion guy :o

gl jong
gl my kazakhstanian homie
fuck you
so ur pony is free for me now?
nekrophilia, nP >:E
youre not worth it
it already smells n stuff? :)
Mr. Propper
Gl nooki3 you should contact me now in #accurate last time you said you wanted topm and join us you were gone for a few weeks xD?
doesnt seem too good to me. better stand up and masturbate
thats quite much.
no comment
even better. gna learn maths now
Quote(more a teamplayer than a rambo medic with a decent aim)

-> low- aim but high+ in giving medpacks? Oh well, I'm sure there are many teams looking for that!!
no comment :)
Damn, I can't find that movie of straf where he owns the shit out of your team anymore :E
says it all
Hey, don't be so mean, I'm just bored :(

einer musste das erleidigen.

sexiest ET player (alive)

new nick sucks

gl ^^
gl mate
gl nk3 <3
gl sexy :*
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