nWo-eSports recruiting

We are looking for 3 or 4 Member to play in an active Ladder-Squad...

Clan Info

ClanName: New World Order
Clantag: #nWo.et|
Clanart (FUN/Normal/High/PRO...): normal
since: March/April 2006
Important Persons: Leader: Germany Grashalm Co-Leader: Austria FanaT!C War-Orga: Germany Dog
Membersl: 9 (without warrock-players)
Squads: 2 one warrock squad and one et squad...
League/Ladder: ESL (that for we are speciallly looking for ppl who have a prmium acc.); Clanbase; Leaguez
Trains: Atm unfortunately no trains, because although we have enough members, there is never someone online
Trainalliances: GMC, [DA] + IRC
War Termine: Sundays
Communication: Ts:
Contact: Belgium Quinne: 341-965-253 Germany GrasHalm: 304-038-955
IRC-Chan: #nWo.et, #nWo-eSports
Homepage: nwo-esport.eu
- #nwo.et Matchserver [nwo-esports.eu]
- #nwo.et Train & Warserver [nwo-esports.eu]
- #nwo.et|ETTV1
Time for Trials: 14 days

Anticipation for the players

Language: Germany german is preferred
Age: 18+
Skill: low+/med-
Experience: 1,5 years and some Clanexperience should be included
communication: TS, ICQ, IRC and maybe for private talking skype
Costs: 0€; but if you want, you can pay =D
Internet: shouldn't lag, so DSL
internet present: dialy
Europe = german for you? I LOLD
You made work of it so you have my GOOD LUCK :D
communication: ICQ, skype

lol, nice
ts is the main programm for communication, but if the server is (currently) offline, for example skype, icq or irc are needed. K?
or you could get a better ts server

irc is needed 100% of the time and icq and skype shouldnt even be on your computer (ok icq is acceptable for germans only)
stfu i need icq for my two rl homeyz!
random pub clan imo.
oh plz, stop that spam comments, we are just looking for members.
gl nWo :D
wery nice written imo :>

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