6pack-gaming is searching for....

A rifle and a med/fobs

- be able to speak and talk english
- be atleast med skilled
- be active
- be a teamplayer
- have good comms

We can give you:
- game server
- private vent server
- bouncers
- activity

Belgiumnightmare ( ex EU)
FinlandAtte902 ( ex et:qw EC & NC )
FinlandShanuh ( ex silentium , et:qw EC & NC )
Netherlandsdrop.d ( oldschooler )
Netherlandstough aka sailor ( ex, shidima, silentium , serenity-gaming )

You can find us in #mulinex.et or #sixpack , pm tough or nightmare for more information.
gl Sanu :_)
are u kidding with the name? :DD
no team for fatboys ^^
take Estonia syxxpacc
take meh <3 :d
no more et:qw for you atte and shanuh?

remember a demomatch against you..you raped us on valley..but we copied your tax and started to rape other clans too ;DDD
old nick nightmare?
take urtier (srry couldnt help it, no offence)
cause it was funny??????
i love 6pack union
gl sailor
gl Atte902
gl Nightmare and the rest
gl ofc :)
sailor skilled! U wont remember me, but i met u at pub! Lolli
ive got a 6pack :O
i prefer 2 pac
6-packs are for sissies, go for at least for 12-pack, a full case is the best.
24 minimum :XD
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