azrael ;x

Hello so im cless after long long time in devilry. Looking for a stabile and active clan where i want to play medic or fops.Played couple seasons at 1st OC div. Im avi almost every day from 20 or 21 cet, sometimes i wont be avi due to work but you'll know like week before when(prolly not more than 1 maaaaaaaaaaaaaaax 2 days in weak). You can find me at #devilry.

thx for your time
Good luck skilled guy!
lycka till!
werent u rifle ?
ye but i dont even like rifle its borring
20 - 21 cet ? Does that mean that youre online for only one hour ?
it means that i can be online from 20 OR from 21
get english skill plz !
"get english skill plz"
nice english skills
But i understand and you too so shut up : )
You live in the UK right? Gl anyway :-)
gl i remember u from emc2 :) skilled guy
gl azrael, why did you leave devilry?

& thx for the birthday journal =)
gl&hf m8
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