
Hoi guys I have problem

I have new graphic card.. and :

I change AA and AF to 16x in nVidia Control Panel. But I don't have aa and af 16x @ game ( ET) : D someone know what problem is..? thx for help
so dont change? :<
so dont change? :<
I need AA and AF 16x for a movie.. ;o
tHeres' no soluition
1.maybe u didnt set them right.I can ul pic if u need

2.maybe u also need to set them @program setting.
Nvidia Control Panel->manage 3d settngs->there u hv global settings and program setings.Set the gfx settings @ ET too(worked for me)
Give me pic if you can :>D
Thanks, but It's still nothing..;P ( don't work )

Maybe ForceWare is a problem? When I try to change AA 16xQ @ rivatuner and after It I check it at nVidia Panel Settings I don't have it.. ;p Don't know what problem is.. I can change AA AF @ panel settings to 16x, 16xQ but It's do nothing..
did u set it @ program setting too?
that's good,isnt it?
i think u hv r_picmip set to 1
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