nugis and tukis searching !

By now you have probably made up your mind that this is another med+ recruitment topic, you did not miss by a long shot, though. This is the story :

Me and tukis aka kaptenski are 2 really bored players, so we are looking for an active 3rd for some fungames and ofc offis (cos offis are serious business right).

about us :
- around 4 years of ET experience, with smaller and bigger pauses
- around med/+ skill, yes, I dare say med+ cos during med wars with our current 3rd we sometimes get called skillfakers and kicked from server, that makes us sad pandas =(
- the ultimate dmg-whores
- have a gameserver, ventrilo, ts, whatever you like best
- active from around 19cet till sleep takes the best of us
- nice on comms I suppose

now about you :
- be at LEAST medskilled, anything higher is more than welcome of course
- be active
- speak on comms

now its time for you to start posting those med+ pictures of urgent medical care, but before judging us too bad, come play a 3v3 with us, you might be surprised :o)

thanks, and let the flame begin !
n1ce, good luck
ownage guys, take em! <3
pic unrelated:
image: index3_r1_c1
gl nugis ;D really skilled @ hide n seek and reviving aswell :D

good luck!!
yes but you kept reviving those bodies when I was a seeker =(
gad lack
if you need 3rd don't hesitate to ask, my ppl aren't playing much lately cos of vacation, dead computers etc.
gl enterožje ! you still have 40-50 fps and lag? :P
only on goldrush :P
and it is about to change, I will get a somewhat new computer at the end of august so time for 125 fps instead of 76 !
you can get a pretty good pc these days for 300€, just ask danl
u dont even need a decent pc to get 125 stable fps ;D
yeah but i'm pretty sure you would like to play some newer games if you're getting a new pc
yeah well actually my brother is using the pc right now, but he will be moving out in august so I can have it.
gl nugis
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