windows api function 131144

hi, i am kicked after every vid_restart because of windows api function 131144. do u have any solution for my problem pls? reinstall of pb done, of graphic drivers done, of ET done...
install XP
have the same, tried everything suggested and still doesnt work =[
vidrestart before connecting
its just the luck of the trade... mine use to do it... dont anymore :) i heard around it has something todo with graphic card settings... so try these and see if it still happens (need nVidia card though)

image: b0l4fv1v1dmg3wex5
could i ask u what version of drivers u have? and where did u download it from?
175.19 and off the nvidia website i think... if i still have it want me to upload it?
no, thx, ive got the same... but i dont have in that options some things that u have, thats why i am asking what version..
well i have 8800 GTS so i should really have more options that your 7600... hmm guessing it didnt work then
i am trying it at the moment, and it seems like it works man :) hope so
so i am not so lucky, still have same kicks :(
ah sorry dude :<
i never had any prob (intel card)
some people are just that lucky :<
U know, funnily enough, i used to get this wen i vid_restart'd. Until last night, wen i vid_restarted i didnt get kicked! I went to the et.exe properties, disabled visual styles, and ran in compatibilty mode for windows server 2003. Im NOT saying that this IS the solution, but it IS all i changed.

Vista, right?
im guessing you mean visual themes?
No, styles. If i meant themes, i woulda said themes. A theme is an overall style, sounds, cursors, and msc's. Areo is a STYLE.

But thanks anyway.
well the fact there is no option for visual themes makes you 100% correct :gloat:
yeah vista, but your solution doesnt works :(
un fkin lucky :(
Usually it works if you vid_restart once before joining a game. Then after that it should work normal. I have no need to vid_restart , so I haven't used this in a while.
selfbust :-)
i have same, so i stoped using it
hmmm vid_restart when you open et seems to have fixed it for me
just dont vid_restart, np
under vista DONT minimize. only with q3minimizer.
And turn OFF UAC @ user acounts
deinstall vista
or just /exec autoexec and /vid_restart before you connect to the server

you cant vid_restart ingame :)
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