looking forward ²

I am looking for a mature clan , that playing alot cups/wars/offi's

About me;

{. teamplayer

{. Brains ingame

{. <--Objwhore

{. Playing et since july '05

{. No history with cheating \o/

(maybe avi for cdc,must look for a driver.)


{. Mature

{. Stable mainlineup

{. No cheat / EX-cheater in mainlineup (It just give you problems)

{. Avi from Sunday/thursday

{. Lanable (dunno)

{. Brains

Interesting? Pm me here or go 2 irc @ Qaukenet - #Pure.et
gl jimini
Quote{. No EX-cheater in mainlineup (It just give you problems)

k, But currently cheating is np.
eumm, NO. no cheating at all wtf.
what makes u better than other players
he is jimini!
hes not whining
hes an obj player
hes a great medic
hes listening to the ingame leader
als ik naar de rest van pure kijk kan ik wel toegeven dat jimi eentje is die wat verder nadenkt dan de rest :P
. Brains ingame aha
GL jimini! pooner!
gl jimini!
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