Starcraft / Warcraft

Wondering If many people here play games like starcraft or warcraft...or Bttle for middle earth 2- for example.
WOuld be nic to know and maybe we could organize some tournaments or stuff ;o ;o ;o
WoW , not official though
ask Meez
WoW :D
i has wc3 too, but hamachi only
Me has 1337 host-programm
my last RTS game was C&C: Red Alert :P
i play bfm2 and 1

Youtube for klazart , klazartSC, violtak. Bestest game to watch ever imho!
I'm playing Warcraft III @ BattleNet
battlenet = noobs :D:D
then play some gathers. And you will see the difference. Teamplay > all
i'm playing with my bro 2v2, we are good :) + a lot of mini LANs with friends :d
I watch pro-SC and I play wc3 (dota) in small doses
what are small doses? 9 hours a day?:D
once a week
wow kills people
wc3 - dota =)
I do ;)

can only bfme at net.

WarCraft sucks.
played warcraft bfme2 bfme1 and dawn of war (+expansions) nice change to fps games :)
have bfme 2, wc3
WoW lvl 20 undead mage
high lvl !11
i play since 3days :)
still low lvl :D the only thing that is important is, if you enjoy the game ^-^
yep cus i dont play 10000 hrs \day it..yes it's nice even if a bit boring :)
don't worry it will become even more boring but you won't care anymore since you are addicted by then ^^
i prefer shoot to level up ^.^
Warcraft 3 , Dota only , hamachi/lancraft
Warcraft 3 > DotA only ofc! :D

Starcraft > Possi only :)
dota ofcrozz :o
playing on
Whats ur nick there? My nick is sandii ;o
not actively, waiting for sc2 !
WoW, 70 rogue 70 warlock 70 priest.
starcraft, some cf guys hang out in #lobbyoflove (i have my own server atm, if anyone wants to play SC/W3 or even C&C/RA games then let me know)

me, reky, m1ke, fredd play SC sometimes
Warcraf 3!1!!!
Warcraft 3: ROC as much as I play E.T.
btw FT sucks cock.

Who wants to play against/with me I'm gosu kkn4p ?
i paly all zeh blizzard games!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111
Wc III all the way ;)
ye i play Battle for middle earth 2 and i am a fucking hero in that game Lolled
i used to play ladder wc3, now i play some dota for fun/lans
Wc3, is (3)1337
I play starcraft2 !
starcraft all day long
wow ! priest/hunter 70
world in conflict :P
WoW 70 destro warlock
and some WC3 over hamachi with friends.
play WoW for 3 years now..
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