Starcraft / Warcraft
Wondering If many people here play games like starcraft or warcraft...or Bttle for middle earth 2- for example.
WOuld be nic to know and maybe we could organize some tournaments or stuff ;o ;o ;o
WOuld be nic to know and maybe we could organize some tournaments or stuff ;o ;o ;o
i has wc3 too, but hamachi only
Youtube for klazart , klazartSC, violtak. Bestest game to watch ever imho!
can only bfme at net.
WarCraft sucks.
Starcraft > Possi only :)
playing on
me, reky, m1ke, fredd play SC sometimes
btw FT sucks cock.
Who wants to play against/with me I'm gosu kkn4p ?
and some WC3 over hamachi with friends.