FuriouS on the lookout ..

Since my last break Im back and looking for a clan..

About me

+ Can compete against med / med+
+ Experienced rifler with smg skills.
- Available 3 - 4 times a week.
- 15 years old.

About you

x med / med + skilled.
x Friendly people who are up for a laugh, but serious when neccecary.
x No Cheaters / Ex cheaters or susspicious ppl.
x Prefferably a stable team that has bin around for longer than 2 weeks

- Exclans in my profile.
And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.
cD! - Carpe diem
System6 v1
aD* - angelDust
Messiah Gaming
Divine Intervention v1
Sawtooth Gaming
instead Gaming

Med+ for sure...

Good luck anyways you'll need it.
Who isn't med+ on cF raises his hand plx!
You know, I just said I was able to compete against med / + ..
if your able to compete against med+ then your ARE med+
This is a random LOL.
hey I played vs high.
I'm high now!
who the fuck is this guy?

if he played in euG then hes a hacker, probably junky.

Note: i should know, i lead eug.
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