riva tuner


it's been a long time that i haven't heard from the riva tuner cheat problem.

Well, i play ET and just started playing crysis.
but i feel that i need to tweak up my gpu in order to enjoy it without all these lagbursts.

so my question is, is riva still forbidden in the ET community?

and off the record, is there a comparable program to riva that does the same thing? (if riva is still seen as cheating)

ty in advance, eCho
it actually was kinda funny :D
crysis is only for graphic, it's stupid to use the riva tuner for it :XD
why? doesnt riva improve fps by overclocking the gpu?
yes, but you can also lower the driver settings (causes that trees say bb in ET = CHEAT)
well I don't really know if it improves anything, I only knew about lowering graphics to get better fps (like razz for example). Looks like I'm wrong, gl anyway :P
U can tweak your gfx, et use opengl, and if im correct crysis use DirectX, so u can tweak only DirectX settings in RivaTuner.
If u dont want trouble, leave opengl settings in RivaTuner untouched.
riva is not seen as cheating. Tweaking with riva up to a point where you gain a VISUAL ADVANTAGE (such as bushes and treebranches that start to disappaear) is considered cheating.

so yes, you can use riva-tuner afaik, but only to improve performance.
how about using it to improve quality ?:<
force fsaa, aa, gfx vendor improving quality alg. ?
seriously ;[
well thats the problem, how can you improve the performances? all i know what to do is decrease/increase the lodbias(cant remember) thus making the trees simpler = "cheating"

which settings can increase your performances legally?
Dunno of the top of my head cuz I never had to user riva for performance, but I do know there are a couple things you can do to improve performance.
didnt improve fps for my old pc ;/
well in case you have ATi and a catalyst driver, just improve your performance like this:

image: performance
<-- INVIDIA FX5500
prolly also has a driver with similair functions...
yeah, but it has complicated words and settings :D and tells you (example,inventing)

forceware: on,off,*2 ,*4 ect

doesn't have the performance / quality meter :(
anti aliasing and plenty of other options
antialiasing is by default off afaik, but i don't know about the others
overclocking lmao
If you are just using RT to overclock your gpu then thats fine.
Messing around with the opengl settings (ie. to make trees/bushes vanish) is classed as a hack.
use LODBIAS mipmap and put it to +15 ;)
according to cb rules (if i remember right) every external program = hack.. so if rivatuner is started = bust

same would go for msn,winamp ,...

but no one cares so use it. u can also tweak opengl settings.. aslong as it isn´t that obious no one will see it and care about it
beAsty busted at msn conversation hax!
*external programs which affect ET, msn doesnt ^^
if some1 logs in in msn , then it's like 5 sec wallhack sometimes. So it affects :D
old bug resolved i think :)
this bug is like 3 years solved allready
no, any external program which change or edit the game aswell as interracting with the game are disallowed ;)
riva isnt interacting with ET, but with your gfx settings
Quote by birano, any external program which change or edit the game aswell as interracting with the game are disallowed ;)

riva isnt changing the game.. and its stupid rule cause even your mouse drivers are interacting with ET
so making trees dissapear isn't changing the game?

Riva tuner is fully allowed as long as it does not change the game. To gain some fps, overclock your gpu etc.
using riva can lead to changes in game, however also your movies quality will decrease..

riva isnt affecting only ET, also every other program that is using opengl/directx
your point being?
if it gives you an unfair advantage over other people its considered cheating, so dont use it
hax hax hax hax ^^
riva tuner was good in old times when u couldnt turn off some things in your GFX card settings... but now softwere used for gfx cards is so advanced that you dont need rt...
tina turner ? "=D"
Riva Tuner could be a cheat (like razz shown) you can turn the Grass and Leavs(?) off... so its a hack and you get kicked if you try it too hard...
ok i just changed the clock speed and memory crap thingy.

hope this is aint cheating :p
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