Scottish players needed for scottish clan

Team Scotland is looking for new members. It is an all scottish which is building a war team and looking to expand its membership. If you are interested (and are scottish) and want to find out more....

add stozy10 to xfire
or go to #et.sco on quakenet


gl but think there is noone scotish players xD
razz :xd
oi ye bawbag, im gonnae break yer jaw, go back to yer maw already, cunt.

Ok, I'm scottish now
Oh man. Bawbag is such a great word.
I so agree.
gl with ur search :)
If I drink a bottle of Scottish whiskey, can I play?
my sons scotish that means i can play !
how can he be scottish if you're from wales or whatever?
or is he born there?
maybe the mother is scottish ?
you're to smart!
smartnesshax :<
nah, just like playing sherlock, there is still room for a Watson ;)
i live in carlisle, my wife is from dumfries and my son was born in Edinburgh, my mum and dad live in Glasgow .... and i was born in haverfordwest in south wales

anything else u want to know?
to much info thanks :>
:( how do I need to spell it? (maybe team Ireland needs a decent player)
wizzard's key ?
can I play for team Scotland, cause this one time at bandcamp I won a game of Scotland Yard
I've seen all Harry Potter films, they are made in Scotland, so I should be able to play for team Scotland as well :>
Pick me. I'm often confused for a Scottisman, I even got asked what part of Scotland I was from at a tourist information centre this morning :_D
panda's dont live in Scotland!
You could argue that they don't live in Wales either :_D
Maybe you're an imported Walish panda?
I wanna be in a national team :-(
I wanted to play for team NL, but I couldn't, just because I wasn't perfo's brother :-(
I wanted to play for team Yermany, I couldn't, just because I had higher accuracy than Butchji :-(
haha that thread

QuoteTell ya what, I got more sense than money... If CB wishes to take this issue any further without realising Scotland as a seperate nation, I am quite happy to spend some money for my solicitors to take this further than CB can afford to go.

I would not like to see an end to the CB site and ladders, but just fukin push me!! Alex Salmond may not be a personal friend, but seeing as how Charles Kennedy is a neighbour and friend, I think CB has a fair chance of being obsolete rather soon.
rofl, this is very old news, that road has been driven down before...
Would be really nice to hear a scottish team talking @ ventrilo.. :D
cant understand scottish guys on comms :p
Good luck, hope you can get a team :D
Scottland <3
Good luck.
Pretty Cool Player
are you gonna buy me a national team, pl0x, I <3 you
(probably obvious, but I'm a bit drunk)
so ye still looking for scottish ppl to join :)
I heard this guy pwns image: braveheart-1

[><] Kevlar


PROUD to be scottish! :D

good luck lads, and if you need a merc, im there :P
I'm scottish :D
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