nkNn ?

k first i wanne say halleluja fishbot is finally gone dont know where the dude is but hes finally gone D:D
k then i would like to say fuck i miss crook

k and then:

We are looking for one player maybe back up maybe line up who knows =)

About you:

- Be skilled or be obvious.... (got chizz6l)
- Able to speak decent English.. (got kapaa<3)
- Active... (already got loazis so be better be bit active)
- A medic... (they already got me for rambo style)
- Be able to come to next CDC X:D ? YEA WE WANNE GO D::D:D:D.. (Blame OV!E he wants to go)
- We dont need a engi smg... (We got Witje)

We offer:

- Vent
- Gameserver
- Active CB ladders and also active in cups
- Funny ppl
- Going for next CDC if there will be one D:
- Very Stable
- A free fanboy k1pa

So if you think i wanne try damn im leet if you think damn im a idiot then pm me as fast as you can in #nkNn /q sFx`illumise or sFx`chizz6l but probally he will tell you to pm me so just pm me

And show some love

Greets me !

Random Quote you can guess who said this:
(18:37:38) (@???????l) da ik verliefd ben op evilynn =(
good luck
yes, everyone cares@quote

forgot to say gl
I was gonna say it was said by Eddo but to many ? for that :<
stop flirting you horny nerd! :D
kijk met wie je flirt mongool
let him flirt with who he wants ^^
n1 german skills ^^
ich rede kaum deutch aber ich verstehe es!!!
and i speak german komisch aus!
well at least u dont fail when u need to write a bit, i fail @ dutch altho i understand pretty much :P
gl hf <3

said by chizz6l ?
chizz6l's qoute?
"already got loazis "

so tr00
Pick me up!
I have everything except the cdc thingie :<< probably!
take me girlvoice :)
U also offer a free hax or i need to buy it myself?
Mmmm its like if you want bot + wh you maybe need to pay a bit but if you only need bot or only need a wh then it can be for free
i dont got money, so i only take bot plz, no WH since someone else will have that allready k?
gl loazis
gl witjeeeeee
witje hacker. take me.
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