overclock & 2d mode journal #2

thanks for all the help, now i achieved this:P
image: finalcpuz


Original post.

okay, i have overclocked my amd athlon64 3000+ 1800Mhz to 2117Mhz after fixing up cooling (there was dust blocking the cpu fan, so it only rolled @ 1200rpm. now it's 2500+).
image: cpugpuz

i ran OCCT for 7 hours during the night to check stabily
image: occt

i think there's still enough space when it comes to temperature: could raise another 4 degrees.
however, yesterday i tried to increase the clocks with an extra 45mhz and my pc failed to turn on :<. i didn't even reach the bios, i just heard a long beep, and then another one, and then another one... i used my laptop&google to figure out this was a memory problem, so i moved my rams to the other 2 slots of my motherboard, and before turning on, i have done a bios reset. this way it turned on again, i have set back to 2117Mhz.

i have a few questions. is this normal? can i reach higher clocks if i decrease the speed of my ram to 266Mhz (now it's 333 and default was 400)? shall i increase voltage more (i have increased ~0.2V on the cpu, 0.1 on the ram)
i don't want to fuck my pc up, tbh i am almost 100% satisfied already, but i simply want the best. if it's safe to go higher, tell me what to do. thanks :>
i actually didn't have time to decrease the cpu multiplier and test that way, is it going to help ?:o

a freak overclocked his 3000+ from 1.8ghz to 2,87 ghz :D
319 mhz fsb
9.0 multiplicator
my oc is 17% aswell :) i'm thinking to by an x2 aswell, but i am going to wait till Wolfenstein comes. surely many people are going to sell their x2s to switch for intel nehalem:p
my budget is 65 euros. the only thing i can get is the processor, they will get really cheap soon (they already are... but i can wait longer). getting c2d from now on is useless. everybody should wait for nehalem, it comes with LGA1366
bullshit, you can always wait for new stuff to be released, if you want to play the newer games your 3000+ wont get that far, and to wait another 2 years till nehalem gets released, no thx :X
but i'm sure it's with watercooling, i don't have that. just a huge heatsink with a fan. also my rams are crap, don't think they can handle too much overpower
with a better cooler like the Freezer Pro u should be able to oc to 2,4ghz
good, unfortunately the time i bought this thing, the freezer pros were all sold out=(
u do it on ur risk
sounds to me you need to do more research
yeh, i wrote this journal just in case if somebody is more familiar with this topic :>
not me, i fried my CPU try google and get an old PC 4 practice
this cpu is worth 13 euros, i'm not that worried ;) i still don't wanna throw it away tho:P
if you really want to learn to OC, google 4 what other ppl could reach with your specs and go 4 it in small steps (if you dont have patience like me forget it) if you just want more performance buy a AMD 3800+ to reach same performance with your CPU you will spend the same amount of money on cooling.
btw my cpu fried cuz the lack of cooling paste, dont forget to check that
Just be careful @ voltages and temp, frequencys alone can do no damage, all that can happen is that the system fails to boot or that it´s unstable. Just rtfm and play with the settings :p
Generally you can say raising voltages up to 10% shouldn´t be a prob.
Ram frequencys, multi, voltages, timings and so on depends on which ram you have.

image: ocdg2

e: There is no common proof procedure which you can do to reach the highest and stable clock, you have to test it yourself with every individual system
ok thx a lot =) gonna read a little bit more about the whole process, and then continue the job :>
overclocking is for ppl who own shit cars and put spoilers on them and stuff

image: wm-High%20Spoiler
And nobody would say yes to 30% more power by just turning a few screws o0
indeed, why would you spend 3x the price if you can get the same thing with a little work. :)
i actually could afford it, but as i have mentioned before, i am not willing to spend more than 65 euros on my pc for the upcoming 2 years.
it's a shame that i have bought my current cpu for 10x the price what it's worth now. i don't want to end up the same way. :)
by overclocking u can save some real money, buying worse proc and overclocking it instead buying higher model
I need more !!! :XDD

image: 304592
i am a complete beginner :p but i have to the right tools to start, so why not.
If you just are lucky with your procesor and mobo and get good cooling you can get pretty high clocks but you need also good gfx if you are thinking reach high fps
my gfx have cpu limit, that's for sure =p should be np...
How the hell!?..... xD

e: Never mind, just got it to 4 gigs me self :)
looks nice :o
FAKE FAKE FAKE it's all faked.
I've my 3200+ 2,0 ghz running @ 2,6 ghz. Could go higher if I had better ram :(
my samsung rams are the best D:
i have just downclocked the rams to 266mhz and have given them 3-4-4-8 timings.
i'm @ 2250 (9*250) now, gonna test stability now!
same here \o/ @ 1.58V

viege's 3000+ (also venice) can run higher tho xD
I'm running stock voltage :o
lol? no auto voltage enabled then or smth ? ;p
ff gechecked staat op 1.43V standaard is 1.38V, dus heel wat minder hoeven te verhogen dan jij.
oke lol denk tog dat auto voltage aanstaat op een of andere manier want CPU-Z zegt 1.49V terwijl bios op 1.43 staat.
get c2d xD

ps. the only reason I can't get higher FSB is probly my mainbord.. I bet this cpu can go higher... on another mainbord

But I run these settings standard.. works fine :D
2250MHz is stable, gonna try to hit 2300 now
2300MHz is stable aswell :> and tbh i think this is gonna be the one i'm keeping.
idle 45°C, load 60°C
this is 27,7% overclock.

i'm sure 2400MHz wouldn't be much far away, but i am satisfied now =) i'm happy with winning 500MHz already :P

maybe after a while i'm gonna get better cooling.
thanks for all the help. :>>>>
image: finalcpuz

tbh i feel sick, i mean. i have this cpu with this cooler for 3 years already, and i have never done this before =( nvm, it's never too late :>
beginners ...
3000+ overclocks easy to 2.6ghz
so what, everybody was a beginner once...
normaly people read tutorials and then they start to overclock.
First one- for that old cpu you need good ddrams like corsair. Motherboard should be with nforce4 chip.

2 years ago ...

image: superpifp1

with E8400
image: superpisq8

Estonian Record image: 8.078
i have read a couple of tutorials, but still. i wanted to be sure.
anyway, n1 results:)
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