
i have 6 exames at the end of august so that means i cant go out , so ill have to fill my evenings woth ET therefore i could use a clan.

need a clan that is atleast med+ skilled
can play medic/fops rifle(med skilled)
avi when needed

dont care if its 2 week clans just want to be occupied

/q collector or miami in irc btw depends what is taken in quakenet
u sure can go out even if u have exames :O) drinking + studying = best
raping + drinking + studying = better then best
srsly, translate that bs
"so ill have to fill my evenings woth ET"

No you should study mister.
incredible isnt it
I guess you also failed for english?
plz nabken worm im not the cook here , and about my english im not gonna look for faults in this stupid forumthread( i just wrote something quick). so little lowlifer dont act too cool
nu typt ge nog meer dan de helft verkeerd, trouwens ik studeer nog, en niet voor "cook", mr.taalwonder
voor "cock" ofwa? :o)
"i have 6 exames at the end of august so that means i cant go out , so ill have to fill my evenings woth ET therefore i could use a clan"

and what difference does it make if you spend that time out or by playing ET?
because he cant go out of home, obviously, because...because he has to study, and you must stay at home to study
are you sarcastic?
i think so
you can also say that you're going to study with your mates, like I do.
take you computer and or lapbook with you and NP!
lapbook? new invention?
invented by myself. Atleast I hope i'd
because when i would go out, i wouldnt be in bed on time ( i would be to tired to study nest day) . but you prolly dont know that because when you go out you nee dto get back a 11 else yo momma will be mad
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