sw_battery_b3 showmatches

Around 20 hours ago the third beta version of sw_battery has been released.
I think it's time to play some close, exciting showmatches again. This is your turn!

Following teams offered their help:

Finland Team Finland
Benelux 8Bits FiF Green
Europe one4one
Europe nkNn - zeroE #accurate
Europe Team :o)
Poland invitium

I think 2-3 matches should be enough.
edit: At the moment I arranged enough teams.

So if you think you've got the guts to compete against top-teams, feel free to ask me for a showmatch in sw_battery @ Quakenet. You can also leave a PM in my inbox.
I'm sorry if your request will be rejected, but there are always a lot teams, which want to play. Mixed teams are also allowed to play.

Times are unscheduled, but it would be very kind, if these matches will take place during the next upcoming week.
A special thanks goes to the whole www.gamestv.org crew, which support us in all the things we do.

Thanks for your attention and best regards!

sticky for some days! plz
nice :D
hf finland :dddddddddd
Finnaly new map
what? :DDD
I hope he means new beta version :D
I heard #ALMIGHTY.ET are awesome at battery :{
#replicant.et are better,
so i have heard :d
You heard wrong then MR!
Team Finland /negative image :Dd:DdD:D:D.D:Dd.D:D:D:
so 2 teams left in ET ? : O
battery fucking owns ! :D i love it gogo for it
battery is the worse map ever. hf
Avi for mix team
fuck battery, just make sw_railgun and try that!
maybe next :)
how u know!! oMg conspiracy ^_^
railgun = shittest map ever
NOT, please, don't fill your brain with crap!
please, remove negative-image from that :DDDDDDDDDD
nah it's not completely wrong. a few of them played in -img
you could aswell use "murso" or "skitevil" in that

but please dont use team name who isnt playing :D
if you say, Sir. edited
yeah better that way, dont think leader of img wud appreciate some retards using his teamname.
You are Netherlands from now on :$
UBERMIX will play again!
let the server crash once again then if you lose
Hmm? Wasn't it FiF that crashed their server? I'm pretty sure they even have server logs that prove that.
I really hope they wont, just so that they wont make their reputation any worse, if its even possible.
Why? What happened? I'm only a messenger.
For fuck sake decem, I've told you, if you can't fork up the 100€ entry fee then you can't join us, quit being so bitter about it.
"I'm sorry if your request will be rejected, but there are always a lot teams, which want to play. Mixed teams are also allowed to play."

As much as I apprieciate your efforts eIM and wonder, I don't think there is anything that can make this map fun again, and it will be even harder to make this map work in competition. Pushing six guys through one small chokepoint is not skill, it's lunacy. It happens at the back and also inside the bunker.

There is no other strategy, no dynamic gameplay, no room for any other style of play, the map is just one team who spams nades at an entrance, and one team who tries to push six guys through a chokepoint and hopefully get lucky and don't have 3 of the team die instantly.

Spam is not skilled nor is it exciting when it is made so ridiculously easy. It's a boring map to watch and it's a boring map to play. It has been ever since 2005 when teams learned how to spam.

We proved enough, when we fullheld a team without tactics that most probably not only played sw_battery_b2 before, but they've probably played together a fair bit too.

Did it feel skilled to throw 4 nades at an entrance? Hell no. Was it exciting? No. Does it create an interesting gameplay dynamic? Far from it. Stop avoiding fixing the major flaws of the map just to appease peons like decem who are stuck in 2004 for some reason.
It was exciting to walk around for 16 minutes though!
if this was one of those "conversation of highly skilled inviduals" -comments, then all I can say is colon x DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDd
weren't you supposed to be stuck in 2004? so stop using that smiley!
okay guardian :((((
i'd say hard but true :D
Very true.
true, not a war-valuable map
indeed :/

pessimistic prick
nice nice nice! :-)))))) *thumbs up*
ou jee :)
Top teams my ass!

nah..gl ^^
you are right, FiFy is missing :_D
We need #bat.et ry back :[
Team :o) - ownage
gl invitium @_@
gl&hf inv!!! o_O
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