Server settings ETPro

Yo me and a mate wanna get a ET server and we want this:

- When you spawn you get 2 full clips of ammo (30/30 for smg)

- When you gib a medic he drops 1 medpack

- When you gib a fops he drops 1 ammopack

- We would like to know if this is possible in ETPro Mod 3.2.6

Tnx in advance

Netherlands icaRus & Netherlands Friend

image: fail
that pic is not funny at all mongol
why ? because you are the guy in the photo ?
no, because laughing to fat people , that really cant do anything about their weight is just simply lame. :)
yes they can do something about their weight, they only must have strength of will
not all of them can tho :P
doubt it, on jaymod, yeah
u have to put light weapons skills on 1 level so all gona have extra clip...

the rest is impossible to do with only etpro
very funny.
you know that especially people who post forum topics like this are usually not that experienced with cheat cvars to know that this is just a bad joke and that he might get banned and have a cheater reputation for the rest of his et career, right? i hope you'll get banned.
Thanks for the kind words.
dropping medic/ammo-packs is not possible with etpro, you gotta use jaymod, shrubet or smth then.
more ammo is possible, like hitsu said.
30/30 ammo stuff
is just the normal public cfg of et :\
just dont do clanbase cfg and it would be on
about others imo google
ke tnx guys and girls for telling me what u know so far except for retarded like doggydog for trying to be funny.... next time try that joke on a guy who doesnt play et for 4 years bimbo
that pic is about u I guess
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