Im getting hopeless... still looking for team...

--about me--
age: 16
from: finland
able to speak: Finnish & english
skill: med<
class: able to play all... prefer medic
yawns: new yawn & old yawn
other stuff: Hated, called cheater about billion times w/o proofs, they say i have funny voice :XD, random:<, and many other things you dont want to know

from clan i wish...
-Stable lineup
-no cheaters
-got server & stuff
-skill... med<
-plz...nomore retards...

Contact me @ #et-rekryfi
join hsb,i heard mystic is playing there too

and when you've got rejected, come back to #@alcohol.vol with ns. tail between your legs - no response yet
#xtrasia - swani is gayyyyy
#raab - havn't asked, i think i should be _LIL_ bit better as rifle F:

#@alcohol.vol always :P<3
#sydämenasialla xD
Parent try it :)
Get girlfriend if you are hopeless
The hope dies atleast.
Quit the game. Before that give your cheats to me.
No gamesense no movemblaablaaablaablbl pls stop these posts, Im getting tired of flaming you.
I agree. Let's flame each other! I hate you.
Replying is buggy with this proxy
Cant believe that you are sixteen
gl again
You're like a girl, have patience...
well you are hacker and vege is not ( as far as i know)
what are ze red zings on your yawn?
damn! i thought your brother..
LIAR, we all know you hack ! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
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