MED RIFLE Search a nice CLAN GTFO & WTF :o

I've been a eNGI/rifle player & played for many CB & warleagues medSkilled Clans as Merc with many Fakenicks :o .

So now search Clan with meDSkill :o

*Clan plays legues <--FAIL<3

*Clan are aktiv <--FAIL<3

*Clan has a name in the ET-Community <--FAIL<3

*Clan has IRc or Hp :o <--FAIL<3



~ nick: creAtvly

~skill: med

~ many random- nicks :o

~many random Clans as MERC :o

~ class: Engi/Garand-k43


Pls PM me or ICQ: 398653511

<3 random spams
<3 whine @ my pro english :o
-> cause written @ stoned :o
*Clan has IRc & Hp :o

spawn medic u got a lot
Who do people even care if the clan they're in have a hp or not:S
+1 :DDd:d:d:d
what the hell?

english plz
*Clan plays legues

*Clan are aktiv

*Clan has a name in the ET-Community

*Clan has IRc & Hp :o
clans has alot but not has u.
u is to need be teached english alot at first of all
translation: learn english please. :<>
even my english skills are better.

but who?
creative, to say the least!
u has are an idiot
naiz engrish
OMAGAWD what a nice english ':o'
i think you can gtfo
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