Vegas 8.0


How can I add codecs to Sony Vegas 8.0.

I would like to make a short movie in mp4 oder mkv. But I dont know how to do it in Vegas.

Could you pls tell me how to add a codec and how to make mkv. with Vegas.

or do I have to render it uncompressend and then use another programm?

thx for your help!


I got K-lite now
but in Vegas i cant find huvvyuv
there is: Helix Yuv
ffdshow -> there is FFV1 but not FFVH

what shall i use?
or do you mean: Huffyuv ?
dont render mp4 in vegas,its buggy and bad
download k-lite codec pack
render as avi -> huvvyuv codec
and render it with meGui to mkv / mp4
this is why I like xfire so much, thanks for fast answers, I'll try !
click @ update codex (if you bought it ^^ )
8.0 epic fail

7.0 owns :>
8.0 is actually brilliant!

rightklick the inf file and choose install.

now vegas should find huff as a codec.
sony vegas :D
using 6.0a >.>

normally I render it as huffyuv in vegas and make it a mp4 with the x264 codec @ MeGui
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