Cup Admins Pls!

Help with our Cup!

image: TC_LSA_Mika_coffee_cup_smart_jpg400

Myself and some others are currently in the early stages of planning and organising some online cups.

The ideas and layout of the events are somewhat unique to other cups and events, but I cant really share much more detail until our website has been further developed. However, we are searching for some people to join our team and help us run these events. We are searching for:

1) A skilled Photoshopper: to help do some website graphics
2) Tournament Directors: We are not 100% decided on which games will run, but we need some people who can help give some input with the setup of the events (maps, configs etc), as well as overseeing the event itself in their particular game. Please it would be preferable if you have had at least some experience in organising cups etc, or know me!
3) A Movie Maker: We are only looking for a very short, 2 minute ish, promotion clip, nothing too fancy. Please have done some at least semi decent movie stuff in the past.

Later on we might be asking for some people to help news-post and ref games maybe, but for now its too early for that stuff.

In terms of our progress ... Our website is 80% complete, and the overall ideas and structure for the cups is planned out. (I think you will see our ideas are quite different to other cups ran in the past). We are almost certain of what games we are going to run, but we can still be swayed. Prizes are apparently np. Dates havent been set until we can agree on games, but we are looking for reasonably soon.

I have been told not to give out the name of the cup because a simple google would reveal our incomplete website ahead of time, so I'm sorry if this message is vague. If anyone can help with the roles above then please message me, and I will try to fill you in on some more of the details.


(disclaimer: this news post was written while heavily inebriated, so probably best to call in the grammer police asap)
*grammar :E
be nice time?
I didn't actually find any huge errors when i skimread the post, but the biggest error was in the disclaimer asking people to ignore errors! My sense of irony is cruel :(
cf biggest flamer, going for hype #2 or smth?
leave meez alone, hes mind is just fucked up!
probably true :(
QuoteI didn't actually find any huge errors when i skimread the post, but the biggest error was in the disclaimer asking people to ignore errors! My sense of irony is cruel :(

respect or die! thinking about it!
i bet you are drunken my dear :<
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